Do You Do Mindsweeps Before Bed?

Hey everyone!

I tend to find that my mind is the most creative and relaxed while I'm laying in my bed before sleep and so I capture a lot then. Doing a mindsweep then helps me fall asleep nice and relaxed! Do you find that that's a good time for you? I capture throughout the day as things come to mind, but the evenings are my best time! :)


I tend to find that my mind is the most creative and relaxed while I'm laying in my bed before sleep and so I capture a lot then.
Lucky you! I immediately fall asleep when I'm in bed. I would probably capture only first three words of my first thought. ;-)


Do you find that that's a good time for you?
For me I fall asleep quickly but I also wake up like clockwork 5 hours after I go to sleep and usually end up doing a mind sweep or writing code or similar stuff then. I never get up though. I write in a notepad I keep by the bed without turning on the light and process the notes first thing in the morning.


My brain often goes to work when I lay down, keeping me from falling asleep. I find that the churning often contains things to do, or things to tell people, and if I write them down, my brain will let go and allow me to sleep.

I've not tried consciously minesweeping before laying down. Might be a good thing to try....


I am happy to know that I am not alone in having an involuntary mind sweep before bed :) My brain also goes to work before bed, so now I have a notepad and pen next to my bed where I can capture everything on my mind. This has helped me a lot with capturing my "stuff"and most importantly helps me to have a deep sleep as it is no longer stored in my mind.

Jack Miller

Doing Mind Sweeps before bed is a great idea and I will give it a shot.

I have been a big fan of doing Mind Sweeps first thing Saturday morning. I like leveraging the peace and tranquility of the weekend morning and it served to see what might have been missed during the Weekly Review Mind Sweep.

In the case of the "before bed" ....well, I can see how that would help to unload and bring about a more restful sleep.