What are your buckets?


So I wanted to talk about the distinction between projects/actions, and project support material, and reference, and how different people handle these things.

For my personal system (again, my work system is a GTD/Kanban meshing that is so far from GTD that it's off topic), I have the following buckets:

APA Lists
Someday/Maybe Lists
Listy Lists
(Yes, it's silly, but that's what my brain came up with.)
Project Support Material

- APA Lists: Active (NOT Someday/Maybe) projects and actions in OmniFocus. I'm coining the term "APA Lists" (Active Project/Action Lists) for ease of writing this.

One of my top priorities in designing my GTD system is to keep the APA lists as lean as humanly possible. This is based purely on my personal dislike of dealing with long lists at times when I'm not sitting down with the specific purpose of dealing with long lists. If the lists are not lean, I will not use them. That is a fact that I have been unable to change, so I'm working with it.

So anything that could be moved out of this category into another category, should be.

- Someday/Maybe Lists: These are documents in OmniOutliner, but they could just as easily be word processing documents. These are SUPPOSED to contain potentially actionable things, while fairly ruthlessly excluding anything that could, again, go to another category.

For eample, a line "Read about Agile software development" is just fine in my Someday/Maybe list. But the list of book titles for that project should be pushed out, either into project support material or a Listy List.

Usually, a project in Someday/Maybe should NOT have actions--it will usually just be a project statement. If a project is started and then demoted back to Someday/Maybe, its traces should instead be in project support material.

- Listy Lists: These are lists like Books to Read, Perfumes to Sniff, Seeds to Consider, Sewing Projects to Try. They're a sort of merging of Someday/Maybe and Reference and Project Support Material.

- Project Support Material: This is more or less as described in standard GTD, except for my strong goal of moving as much as humanly possible out of my APA lists and into project support material.

So, a person with a higher tolerance for long lists might have a project "Read about Agile Programming" with a list of specific titles in the Next Actions. While I will have a list of titles as project support material, and the APA lists will just have:

Project: Read about Agile programming.
Next Action: Choose and start a title from the list.

So what gets reviewed? During the weekly review, I review the APA lists and the Someday/Maybe lists at their review frequency. I'm likely to review the project support material for active projects. I don't specifically review the Listy Lists, though I'm likely to edit them as part of a weekly review, so they get cleaned up now and then.

What do other people do?


Project: Read about Agile programming.
Next Action: Choose and start a title from the list.
In my system "Read about Agile programming" wouldn't be a Project because there is no way for me to determine if the Successful Outcome was achieved ("Agile programming read about enough"). How much reading fulfills this goal? There is enough books and blogs about agile programming that one could read them his whole life.


In my system "Read about Agile programming" wouldn't be a Project because there is no way for me to determine if the Successful Outcome was achieved ("Agile programming read about enough"). How much reading fulfills this goal? There is enough books and blogs about agile programming that one could read them his whole life.

"Agile program apprentice level knowledge achieved."?

I don't usually do Successful Outcome project phrasing. I should try it sometime. I'm quite convinced that it wouldn't do me a bit of good, but I can't be positive until I try it, right?


"Agile program apprentice level knowledge achieved."?

I don't usually do Successful Outcome project phrasing. I should try it sometime. I'm quite convinced that it wouldn't do me a bit of good, but I can't be positive until I try it, right?
I'm the kind of GTDer that must have a clear measurable outcome to limit the scope of the Project. No measurable outcome results in an unbalanced engagement ranging from "no progress at all" to "obsession". ;-)
"Read about Agile programming" may be considered "done" after reading one summary (because "I know something") and "not done" after reading 33 books (because "I don't know everything").


I'm the kind of GTDer that must have a clear measurable outcome to limit the scope of the Project. No measurable outcome results in an unbalanced engagement ranging from "no progress at all" to "obsession". ;-)
"Read about Agile programming" may be considered "done" after reading one summary (because "I know something") and "not done" after reading 33 books (because "I don't know everything").

I don't usually have that problem--I seem OK with allowing "enough" to announce itself.

Your description does remind me of the problem that I do have with housekeeping. I can maintain my house at a very high level of tidy, or I can attack it when it reaches utter chaos and fairly quickly pull it back. Minor everyday "lived-in" doesn't seem to be a state that I can stabilize at; I go blind there, stay blind to growing untidiness, and only wake up again at chaos.

(No, I really can't tie that to what you said as a neat analogy. But your post did strongly remind me.)