2 minutes rule problems


What would you do if you get a task and it turns to be a Project that you put into your system. When you decide the first NA it turns out to be less then 2 minutes and you do it now. When finished you decide a new NA and it turns to be less then 2 minutes either. And so forth :) There's a chance that you would be doing one project only without a chance going to other maybe more important NAs :) Or you have some tricks?




I don't think this is a problem. Even if the next 10 NAs can be accomplished in under 2 minutes, you've spent only 20 minutes. Presumably, getting 10 NAs done on a project is a very good thing, so spending 20 minutes doesn't seem like a problem.

The problem comes when you are wrong about 2 minutes. It's a deceptively short time. I find that I frequently under-estimate the time required, and what seems like 2 minutes, is closer to 5.


Borisoff said:
What would you do if you get a task and it turns to be a Project that you put into your system. When you decide the first NA it turns out to be less then 2 minutes and you do it now. When finished you decide a new NA and it turns to be less then 2 minutes either. And so forth :) There's a chance that you would be doing one project only without a chance going to other maybe more important NAs :) Or you have some tricks?



Eugene, IMHO it doesn't matter if you pick up 10 tasks that each take 2 minutes, whether or not they are separate tasks or related to a project.

They're all still 2-minute tasks and should be handled appropriately. Why would we descriminate against them just because they're part of a bigger outcome?


Borisoff said:
What would you do if you get a task and it turns to be a Project that you put into your system. When you decide the first NA it turns out to be less then 2 minutes and you do it now. When finished you decide a new NA and it turns to be less then 2 minutes either. And so forth :)

I don't see it as a problem, so long as you do the NAs in a short period of time as already commented by others. What's important is to make sure that the task (project) concerned is not overlooked when you do your Weekly Review.


Doing the Math


To extend on thoppa's example, if your average ratio of two-minute tasks to longer tasks is ten percent, then the chance of encountering 10 two-minute tasks in a row is one in ten billion. I think you have a higher chance of being hit on the head by an asteroid.