Anyone tried 'Clear' from Realmac Software?



This may well be GTD heresy, but I am wondering if any of you good people have tried 'Clear' from Realmac Software

I thought here on Clear are some impressively user-friendly ways of doing things.

Modern, slick, fun.

In someways it's probably not very 'GTD'... but there is probably a LOT that can be learnt from the User Interface. I've not used Clear in anger, but with about a 2 minute introduction video it's clearly fun and dead easy to start using(!).

What I really think is that more serious GTD tools could do well to borrow heavily from its simple user interface.

Anyone tried it?




I just gave it a glance, then uninstalled it. As you point out, it have a very simple user interface, but it´s not so much *GTD* over it.

Im trying Todoist right now,

My GTD system was earlier in Omnifocus, but I´m so tired of the slow sync that OF have. But otherwise a very good app for handling GTD stuff.

And the good thing with Todoist is that is spread over al lot of platforms to. I am "premium" with Todoist.

So far it´s a very good GTD system, I gonna try it out.

And this is the dilemma with all the shiny nice apps out there. You find some that seems interesting and you download it, trying it and then uninstall it.

Some times I wonder if I were more productive when I had my GTD setup in my Filofax and was all analog... ???


Popeye said:
As you point out, it have a very simple user interface, but it´s not so much *GTD* over it.

Yes, but I'll tell you what - having briefly tried about 10 different systems I am now living on My Life Organised (MLO), and MLO is extremely powerful and is brilliant in may way but OMG it has a learning curve. Nightmare! I am only persisting out of desperation and refusal to put up the clunkiness/counter-intuitive nature of the competitors.

So after the learning curve of MLO, 'Clear' seems incredibly refreshing!

After about 3-4 days, due to its power and complexity use it's still not clear whether MLO will be adequate for me. The biggest pain so far is that they do not appear to have implemented a field for List at the database level. (i.e. there is no high level filter to select between: Inbox / Active / Scheduled / Waiting / Someday-Maybe).

This is particularly problematic for Waiting and Someday lists. And given that they are such core part of GTD I find this disturbing. I may be incorrect but it seems that the only way to implement such lists is to use Tags and then used advance filters in your views to remove Actions/Projects from view. HORRIBLE!

On the up-side, there is a plethora of hotkeys on MLO (many of which you can configure yourself) and it is DEAD easy to whiz things up and down multi-level Project Trees and it's also trivial to switch items between being an action and being a Projects. [These aspects are astonishingly rare but I LOVE them!] Moreover you can have something called a "Folder" which is neither a Project nor an Action. It's a subject area. (Brilliant! But again, v rare in other apps...).

I had a look and decided that it the basic UI was way too painful and not keyboard friendly enough. e.g. Intenting and Outdenting to create multi-level items is possible but only with the mouse (as far as I could see). Likewise it's great that you can change sort orders so fast with the mouse... but for speed of entry it's important to do almost everything with the keyboard. Also there were various features which I could only see AT ALL if actually purchased ToDoist Premium.... which I then did! But wait the I bailed out because apparently it can not automatically show the Next Action for each project. And surely that is a GTD deal-breaker !

Anyhow I look forward to hearing how you get on with ToDoist.



Clear would be perfectly suitable for GTD. Keep in mind they don't have an app for PCs, only Macs.

I really like being able to access my GTD system from computer, mobile devices, and web. Just something to think about.


marcia said:
I really like being able to access my GTD system from computer, mobile devices, and web. Just something to think about.

Todoist have all this, IT Works on Windows, Mac, iOS-devices, Android-devices, add-in for Gmail, Outlook, Thunderbord, Crome,

Have a look on it.


Yes, I tried ToDoist for a couple of hours and hated it. Although it has unlimited hierarchies, I found it clunky and hard to get all the data entered fast enough. But the deal-breaker is that it doesn't appear to have any way to automatically display just your Next Action for each project. And surely that is not v GTD!


This is such a decent post a debt of gratitude is in order regarding posting....!!


This is such a decent post a debt of gratitude is in order regarding posting....!!