Attn: If you use iPad for Webinars...


Citrix, our webinar provider (Go To Webinar) allows you to attend our webinars via iPad. However, it was brought to our attention by one of our members that it does not allow you to use the questions box. This might change your experience if you want an interactive experience during the webinars, so we wanted to make sure our iPad users were informed.

Here is an update from Citrix on the availability of this feature:

Unfortunately, the Q&A portion of the control panel would not be available in the GoToWebinar Application using an iPad. It may be something in development, but at this time we do not have a specific time frame as to when it would be released.

If you have any additional questions or need further clarification regarding this matter, please feel free to reply directly to this email address: For any other product inquiries or technical assistance, please visit us at our Support Center at Our Support Centers include Self Help files and our Global Customer Support Contact Information.
-Citrix Customer Support