auto-text program (for windows)?


hey guys,

can anyone recommend a program that will remember text and insert it when I need it?

i.e. instead of typing the same email reply over and over again, I can just type "@reply1" or some other similar command and it will enter the desired text

thanks for any help on this


I don't use this type of program, but I googled "windows text macros" and found quite a few hits, including free-ware and share-ware.

Good luck,


ActiveWords is the best program for Windows out there to do text replacement:

It can also do many other things, like give you a keyboard shortcut for adding a new appointment in Outlook even if you're in another program.



quick update, I ended up going with;

the reasons I chose this one is because;

1. it's freeware (for personal use)

2. there's a portable version (allowing me to install it on my usb drive). I answer a lot of emails from different workstations at my job so being portable was key for me.

been using it for 30 minutes and it's been great so far!

thanks again for the help


AutoHotkey is useful and flexble if you are willing to cope with the complexity.

But I doubt that average PC users are willing to digg through papers like this:

AutoHotkey is a very powerful and flexible macro automation utility rather then a out-of-the-box Autotext utility. It can do Autotext but its strength is certainly more the automation capabilities which comes with a pretty steep learning curve.

In my humble opinion, it is not aimed at average users who just want to use a PC to get things done.



bartelsmedia;63616 said:
AutoHotkey is useful and flexble if you are willing to cope with the complexity.

But I doubt that average PC users are willing to digg through papers like this:

AutoHotkey is a very powerful and flexible macro automation utility rather then a out-of-the-box Autotext utility. It can do Autotext but its strength is certainly more the automation capabilities which comes with a pretty steep learning curve.

In my humble opinion, it is not aimed at average users who just want to use a PC to get things done.


I agree 100%

AutoHotKey was way too complex and advanced for my liking

PhraseExpress on the other hand is VERY easy to use and does the job perfectly. I've now installed it at home as well and I highly recommend it. Great time saver for anything relating to text.


I'd like to second the recommendation for ActiveWords.

Solid product, regular updates, easy to set up and use.

It was one of the first thing I missed when switching to the Mac.

- Don


AutoKey to Save Outlook Password

I'm using Vista with Outlook 2007 which keep asking for a password. Someone suggested AHK script below with modified userids and passwords. I have two mail accounts in case you're wondering about the repetition. It compiles, but Outlook still asks for bloody passwords. I've wasted a lot of time trying to fix this and I am on the verge of making the leap to Thunderbird.

Any help would be much appreciated.

IfWinExist, Inbox - Microsoft Outlook,
WinActivate, Inbox - Microsoft Outlook,


Sleep, 10000

IfWinNotActive, Enter Network Password, , WinActivate, Enter Network Password,
WinWaitActive, Enter Network Password,
Gosub, SendPasword

IfWinNotActive, Enter Network Password, , WinActivate, Enter Network Password,
WinWaitActive, Enter Network Password,
Gosub, SendPasword

WinWait, Inbox - Microsoft Outlook,
IfWinNotActive, Inbox - Microsoft Outlook, , WinActivate, Inbox - Microsoft Outlook,
WinWaitActive, Inbox - Microsoft Outlook,

Send, {F9}


ControlGetText, UserName, RichEdit20A1

If UserName = scstdenis
Send, xxxxxx{ENTER}

If UserName = sstdenis
Send, xxxxxx{ENTER}

sleep, 1000


Ben Atwater


Uh, at home I'm using outlook 2007 with 5+ mail accounts, each one has it's own user ID and password which are stored in the config for the account. Is this for personal use or in a corporate exchange environment?
