Finally I 'get it' ... I've found the best GTD tools either paper or software...


I've been on and off GTD for a long time now ... trying all kinds of software, paper, DIY's, moleskin etc etc and my system never felt that easy or clear to use...

Now for whatever reason, 'I get it', ordering DA's new Junior size planner was the solution, it's well laid out, and has a natural or logical 'flow' to it.

Secondly, I've tried so many software programs, the top rated web based programs, Outlook, GTDgmail and many more, nothing worked, it stressed me out more than anything or was too structured.

I came to the realization that the palm desktop software is the best I've ever found for GTD ... I've had MANY palms since the 90's and never properly set up and a followed a good gtd system on them ... since then I use a blackberry and I'd never give it up, (for me responding to emails on the fly or while I'm waiting somewhere is a huge time saver, I stay on top of emails using the BB so can I have more free time), but for GTD the Palm desktop software has it all, and it's free!, lol, sure if I had a Palm instead of a BB that would mobilize the GTD system ...

I'm sticking with the new GTD planner, a few of my techie staff are going to try the Palm desktop software, one just ditched noozbe and the other RTM, they're excited to try the Palm software, I was surprised they where so receptive to my idea, but when looking at the Palm software layout on a the monitor, its very clear and easy to follow and even easier to set up.

and guess what, that's what David Allen uses, lol, maybe he's on to something :) My staff uses BB's too, if they really like the Palm desktop software we'll get them Palm Handhelds ... carrying two hand held's is pretty geeky, but like they told me, it's less to carry a BB and a Palm than it is a BB and the DA GTD Binder ....

like paper? - get the GTD Binder
like electronic? use the Palm software

Done !


I agree the Palm Desktop is a very solid piece of software, maybe the best in its category, though a little bit dated.

What makes it so great, IMHO?
  • Fixed window positions for views on data.
  • Sync with various mobile devices did work (Sometimes additional software needed, but it worked.)
  • Drag and Drop of Tasks, Appointments and others items works really "snappy". Very good feel.
  • The high configurability of colors, fonts etc
  • The Palm system: the way you can combine Tasks, Contacts, Memos etc all together.
  • I used it for years and it worked very reliable. Certainly better than what Apple, Mozilla or Microsoft offer.


uniquest;62401 said:
I came to the realization that the palm desktop software is the best I've ever found for GTD ...

You have GOT to be kidding! Are we even talking about the same program? Palm Desktop on the Mac is bare bones and very basic. Sure it works ok for calendar and contacts, I have a Treo and I need it for that but the limits of 15 categories, limits on memo length and other assorted hassles make it less than wonderful for GTD. I keep wanting it to work but it sure doesn't and I get frustrated and keep trying new systems because the Palm only set-up just doesn't cut it for me.


Palm Desktop

I've heard that Palm Desktop for the Mac is not as easy to use or full featured as the Windows version.

Thanks Cpu_Modern! I've used PD for years and I never knew you could drag tasks or contacts into the day view area to create appointments.


uniquest;62401 said:
I've been on and off GTD for a long time now ... trying all kinds of software, paper, DIY's, moleskin etc etc and my system never felt that easy or clear to use...

Now for whatever reason, 'I get it', ordering DA's new Junior size planner was the solution, it's well laid out, and has a natural or logical 'flow' to it.

Thanks uniquest! Does the Junior binder feel bulky? I currently use a Time/Design compact size binder. I like it's size for carrying around, but always feel cramped writing on the small pages. I don't like some of the classic/junior size binders I've used in the past, but I think they had larger rings. Someone, perhaps you, posted somewhere that it had 1" rings. Does it feel heavy?


Oogiem;62436 said:
You have GOT to be kidding! Are we even talking about the same program? Palm Desktop on the Mac is bare bones and very basic. Sure it works ok for calendar and contacts, I have a Treo and I need it for that but the limits of 15 categories, limits on memo length and other assorted hassles make it less than wonderful for GTD. I keep wanting it to work but it sure doesn't and I get frustrated and keep trying new systems because the Palm only set-up just doesn't cut it for me.

The Palm Desktop for Mac is completely different from the Windows program, and is indeed terrible, awful, and horrible. The Palm desktop for Windows is pretty functional.


Bulky Planner?

Hey Plaid,

Great minds must think alike. I ordered the Time Design Compact because DavidCo was taking so long to get theirs out. I used Time Design mSystem for a while, but gave it up because of the bulk and the difficulty of integrating with GTD. (A foldover task list doesn't work when you have 8-12 contexts.)

When both finally arrived, I tried a head-to-head. If you're completely comfortable with Compact, you may not like Junior. It's the classic planner size. But that cramped writing space on the Compact is definitely a problem for me. And while Time Design is the coolest of all the current systems, only Junior is built on GTD from the ground up, rather than as a retool.

Here's how I solve the writing space vs. bulk dilemma. Junior hangs out in my briefcase or on my desk. Notetaker Wallet is with me always. Large format journal for daily diary in the home office. And because they're cool, a Moleskine is usually around somewhere for lengthy musings, poetry, etc.

Final thought: the 1" rings aren't tiny, but they're far superior to the old 1.25's and 1.5's I've had in the past. Fully loaded, Junior's about as wide as 2 Moleskines, which doesn't offend me in the bulk department.

Good luck!



fassold;62460 said:
Hey Plaid,

Great minds must think alike. I ordered the Time Design Compact because DavidCo was taking so long to get theirs out. I used Time Design mSystem for a while, but gave it up because of the bulk and the difficulty of integrating with GTD. (A foldover task list doesn't work when you have 8-12 contexts.)

When both finally arrived, I tried a head-to-head. If you're completely comfortable with Compact, you may not like Junior. It's the classic planner size. But that cramped writing space on the Compact is definitely a problem for me. And while Time Design is the coolest of all the current systems, only Junior is built on GTD from the ground up, rather than as a retool.

Here's how I solve the writing space vs. bulk dilemma. Junior hangs out in my briefcase or on my desk. Notetaker Wallet is with me always. Large format journal for daily diary in the home office. And because they're cool, a Moleskine is usually around somewhere for lengthy musings, poetry, etc.

Final thought: the 1" rings aren't tiny, but they're far superior to the old 1.25's and 1.5's I've had in the past. Fully loaded, Junior's about as wide as 2 Moleskines, which doesn't offend me in the bulk department.

Good luck!


Yeah, I've had the same experience. I started with the mSystem, used it for a while, but the binder I had with it was pretty heavy. The mSystem dividers are pretty thick and add a lot to the weight. So I went to the compact system last February, but could never seem to stick with it for very long. I improved this somewhat by finding some of their printable forms from one of the international websites, and printed up a stack of the undated pages, with those I got two pages per day so I had room for some notes etc. I still keep eying those classic size pages though and long for the room they have. If I could find a binder I really like and isn't too big or heavy, I think I could go back to the classic size pages.

Question about the binder, from the pictures it looks like it's a zipper binder. Could someone give me the measurements of the binder? Some classic size binders are bigger than others, I'd like to get an idea of the actual size the junior is. Thanks!


Planner Dimensions

No zipper. 9" by a little over 7". Much smaller than the mSystem binder. Comparable to Franklin Covey with 1" rings.


enough paper?

One more quick question, how much paper comes with it, should I order a refill pack right away as well? Thanks!


Enough paper?

There's enough to get started -- about 10 sheets for each tab. Unfortunately, I don't think refills are available yet. Let's hope it won't be long!



fassold;62488 said:
There's enough to get started -- about 10 sheets for each tab. Unfortunately, I don't think refills are available yet. Let's hope it won't be long!


The refills are available at the at-a-glance website, but hopefully they will soon be available at davidco as well.


Uniquest, thanks for the post. I used Palm Desktop many years ago but have never tried it for GTD. Three questions:

1. Is there a primer somewhere that explains how to set it up for GTD?

2. Can Palm Desktop track conversations? For example, if I call one of my contacts can I then type in notes of the conversation and then associate it with that contact? (If not, do you know any software that can do this?)

3. I am not planning on using an actual Palm Pilot. Is it possible to sync Palm Desktop it across two computers so that I can use it at work and at home?



re howman
1. Don't know
2. Yes, the contacts have a commentary field and you can attach notes and task etc to it. That's the cool thing about the Palm system: you can attach the various kind of items to each other.
3. Yes, via various sync tools. off course you need some device like an memory stick or mp3 player to transport the data.


Thanks CPU.

I installed Palm Desktop and I'm trying to figure out how to attach tasks, memos, and/or notes to a contact. I'm pretty good with computers and I just can't seem to figure it out.

I did a Google search and came across Agendus, which has a plug-in for Palm Desktop. Are you possibly referring to this when you say contacts have a commentary field?



Each Memo or Adress window-pane has that little paperclip'ish symbol near it's upper-left corner. Use that button to drag n drop or click on it for a pop-up menu.

On the Adress window-pane there is the box "Other Information" where you can enter website, email ect there must be a "Comments" entry field.


Thanks for the response CPU!

I think I might have a different version than you (4.1.4). I'll do some Googling and figure it out.
