Free Outlook, Entourage Lotus Notes GTD whitepapers


I've just noticed that:
  • GTD & Lotus Notes
  • GTD & Outlook
  • GTD & Entourage
whitepapers are now free for GTD Connect members.

You can find them in the redesigned "Articles" section of the GTD Connect site.

Thank you, DavidCo!


Senior Associate, Next Action Associates
Glad you're enjoying them

Glad you are enjoying these. In my experience David really seems to like to be as generous as possible with people who are going to really use the materials and get it. I think with Connect he's found that kind of group, so stay tuned for more surprises.


Isn't there a "GTDConnect-only" forum? Shouldn't this be posted there?

Every time I see this thread, I think "oh, cool, some new free articles for us average joes that can't afford to pay for GTDConnect." But then I open it up...DOH!




Whitepapers are the definitive official GTD implementation guides.

I think that these whitepapers are the definitive official GTD implementation guides that will help every GTDer to set up his system regardless of the technology used. You do not have to read them all since they differ only in the details related to the given software tool. But there are some general guidelines - for example how to use the @Agendas context.

If you can't afford the GTD Connect membership I strongly recommend the purchase of one of these whitepapers.


GTD Connect only forum?

I, for one, am glad these little teasers get posted on this forum. It does give information that might help those who are on the fence to make a decision. You can see that I'm not a Connect member, but that doesn't mean I won't be at some time in the future.

As far as the cost goes, if it really is a burden, save some dollars and join for one or two months. Take as much advantage as you can during that time. Who knows? You might decide that it is worth giving up something else to stay with Connect!



I second that.

There is quite a lot of video and audio "in the back". That alone is worth it. If at any time you would be willing to buy a CD from David/about GTD for 30 bucks, than the GTDConnect membership is the better/cheaper way to go actually...

I too joined with the idea of staying a member for a month or so, pulling out everything I can. I'm pretty sure now though that I'll go for a second month as well :)

"Yes but on a year basis..." -- why in the world would I stay a member for a year? ;)


Good papers

I paid for the Outlook and Entourage papers. I use Outlook at work and Entourage at home. They were very helpful, and reasonable at $10.

Isn't $50 a month a little steep for Connect? What do you get for such a large fee?



Hi Jason,

Far be it for me to question the business model of the company. Whether 50 bucks is too much or not is a moot point anyway, so...

- seminar excerpts (quite lengthy actually) from a GTD workshop and the mackenzie lecture.
- Coaching on GTD (inbox management)
- Inspiration

- Interviews: 6 so far. They are ... nice/good. Give you some ideas etc.
- Recorded teleseminars (members have free access to the actual teleseminar where you can ask questions): horizons of focus, on the road to blackbelt, Q & A (priceless!!), new year's one. Upcoming is one about the weekly review.
- TechGTD: great two-part discussion. Great. Good to have on in the background while you do a weekly or so.
- Coachin on GTD
- Creative questioning
- Roadside assistance with the roadside teleseminar.

Bunch of articles and white papers. Quotes, David's weekly post, an "intention journal". Weekly "weekly review" reminder (not more than that, really just a reminder...)

For me the gold is in the audio/video -- they could definitely promote this better.

I would see the 50 bucks as buying material. Buying the GTD videos or audio.


Wow - this turned into some great discussion! :)

First - don't get me wrong - my original post was partly in jest - hence the smiley. :) I was mainly hinting for some new free articles for the general public, that's all. ;)

BTW, I HAVE purchased the Outlook whitepaper and definitely got HUGE value out of it. Definitely worth the 10 bucks.

And great points have been made about joining for a few months. For the price of a few books or audio CDs, that's probably a huge bargain. And when viewed in those terms (versus a recurring $50/mo in perpetuity), it actually seems more reasonable. I'll have to give it some thought.



Alternative wry opinion follows . . .

Thoughts to ponder:

On the downside that's ~$43,000 for a lifetime membership.

On the plus side, that's less than a cup of Starbuck's java juice per day.

Decisions, decisions,....hmmmm.....

Maybe, I'll just reread the book since, DA just said, "It's all in the book."


Indeed, it is. It really is all in the book and you won't find new or hidden magic secrets "over there".

If you find this David Allen video entertaining - there's more "in the back".

I think that if you ever considered buying/finding the GTD Fast CD's, GTDConnect's multimedia area is 100% for you :)


Give it a try for one month

Ruud;43875 said:
I would see the 50 bucks as buying material. Buying the GTD videos or audio.

I'm thinking about giving a try for one month. I can certainly afford a one time outlay of $50. Sounds like some interesting stuff is in there.
