I'm Going to GTD this time.



I am in sales and I read David Allen's book a year ago. I implemented some of the ideas, but fell way short of putting the system to work for me. For me the downward spiral was due to the amount of calls, emails and paper documents I need to shuffle everyday. I had no way to categorize items quickly enough because I had no ACW (After Call Work) time to organize what I had just done.

This is all compounded by the fact that I have Sleep Apnea :oops: , which means I do not get good sleep at night, but can't wake up in the morning. I work non-stop at work at my desk, but at home or on the road I get no work done. I basically have emotional highs every Friday (because of no work and being able to sleep in) and emotional lows on Sunday evenings.

The David Allen newsletters have kept my hopes up that I can refocus and implement the GTD system.

I read an interview with Gene Simmons of KISS in the Southwest Airlines inflight magazine and in affect he said 'I work 24/7/365, but I have no job'. That's where I want to be. Sulli60



When you set up new systems of self organization, there is a period of time when they seem to create more work than they save. It is the same with GTD. You have to spend time really learning the methods, practicing using them, and tweaking your implementation of the system to match up with your own needs.

Your post makes it sound like your apnea makes you almost totally dysfunctional after work and on weekends. If you don't fix that, your new effort at implementing GTD may end up the same way the first one did. Frequently apnea can be corrected with medication or surgery. Have you seen a doctor about it?


Sales & GTD

I know what you mean about sales and GTD - it is a challenge to make it work. I'm well over a year into it and still struggling with too many todos.

Here's the gist of it to me. If you can just do that weekly review. Sales gets so fragmented - different stages in the sales cycle, different client projects, etc. If you dont stop and look at the big picture via a weekly review it just gets too jumbled. It does for me anyway. Of all the places I fall short I am painfully aware that the weekly review is the worst thing to let slide. The opportunity cost is just too great!

Hang in there.




Can you explain what the CPAP magazine is, and where it can be found online?

Many thanks


CPAP "Machine"

CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure

Basically it's a machine that is always pumping out air. You have to be tested for sleep apnea and then they adjust the amount of air flow accordingly.

It's my understanding that many people can't get use to wearing them, but my wife uses one. I'm not sure if I could get use to her not wearing it now, I'm use to the white noise the machine generates.

- Mark

Guest said:

Can you explain what the CPAP magazine is, and where it can be found online?

Many thanks



Dear Guest,

mbacas is right about the cpap machine...my sleep study found that I (unbeknownst to me) woke up approximately six times an hour because of not breathing and at one point stopped breathing for a minute and a half! No wonder I was so tired! I'd sleep for eight hours but woke up feeling like I went five rounds with Oscar Delahoya.

I would highly recommend a sleep study.

The cpap does take some getting used to. On mine it's a mask that covers your nose and is held on with straps that go around your head. You can't really talk with it on because of the air being forced into it so you look like Hannibal Lechter and sound like Darth Vader if you try to talk. However, the benefits far outweigh the other.

Good luck!
