New Slice of GTD Life with Dave Stroup


Last slice?

John Forrister;112004 said:
it was recorded a few weeks ago, as you'll recognize when you hear that it's Kelly chatting with Dave.

So it was the last slice, I suppose. It was a great series, a great way to confront your own thoughts about GTD with "non official" other GTDers' thoughts.

John Forrister

GTD Connect
Staff member
TesTeq;112007 said:
So it was the last slice, I suppose. It was a great series, a great way to confront your own thoughts about GTD with "non official" other GTDers' thoughts.

Hi TesTeq,

No! Not the last slice. We plan to do to more. I have 2-3 more people in mind already.

I learn a tremendous amount from the -- as you say -- "non official" GTDers. They are the ones who provide the whack on the side of the head type of new thinking that is so valuable.

More on the way,