Omni Focus for Blackberry Curve: Looking for Reccommended To Do List Software


I am looking for software that is similar to the Omni Focus for the iPhone that will work with my Verizon Blackberry Curve; can anyone recommend anything?

Thank you!



I see that the desktop application is windows only. Will there be a Mac version? I'd like to be able to use the desktop app to sync with my Blackberry. Can't get iPhone right now because we're on Verizon and don't have the $$ to switch to iPhones and ATT.


You should try TaskJot with

The Toodledo and TaskJot combination works great for Blackberry users.

You can learn more about Toodledo at

You can learn more about TaskJot at

Manage your tasks online with Toodledo and take the same functionality with you on the go with TaskJot. TaskJot works for almost all Blackberry devices running OS 4.2.1 and higher.

Go grab your free 2 week trial of TaskJot from If you don't have a Toodledo account yet, don't worry about it. When you run TaskJot the first time, you can create a new free Toodledo account.


JR Lawhorne
Fieldstone Software, LLC


I've been using the Rex wireless TodoMatrix program on my BlackBerry. Like Omnifocus, it includes the ability to set up tasks, due dates, alarms, time required and context, but it does not force you to use them. It its pretty easy to navigate the program and enter tasks right on the device. There is also a web service that you can try for a while when you try the program. I used various Palm programs before, but I like this one much better.


dbirnbaum;69782 said:
I've been using the Rex wireless TodoMatrix program on my BlackBerry. Like Omnifocus, it includes the ability to set up tasks, due dates, alarms, time required and context, but it does not force you to use them. It its pretty easy to navigate the program and enter tasks right on the device. There is also a web service that you can try for a while when you try the program. I used various Palm programs before, but I like this one much better.

Which desktop client to you use to sync OmniFocus and TodoMatrix?

When I sync via iCal and my Storm 2 (I use PocketInformant 2.0) my checked tasks on the BB get unchecked on the sync and then my next sync has a bunch of unchecked tasks on the BB again. MissingSync for Blackberry on 10.5.8. I still haven't figured out if it's PIBB (maybe that's the issue and not the sync client or iCal), MissingSync or iCal that's "breaking" things, but am very interested in a workflow that will let me use OF on the desktop and keep my tasks 'intact' on the BB.



harringg;78581 said:
Which desktop client to you use to sync OmniFocus and TodoMatrix?

When I sync via iCal and my Storm 2 (I use PocketInformant 2.0) my checked tasks on the BB get unchecked on the sync and then my next sync has a bunch of unchecked tasks on the BB again. MissingSync for Blackberry on 10.5.8. I still haven't figured out if it's PIBB (maybe that's the issue and not the sync client or iCal), MissingSync or iCal that's "breaking" things, but am very interested in a workflow that will let me use OF on the desktop and keep my tasks 'intact' on the BB.


@harring , i have looked a lot onto web for this , but sadly there is not straight forward solution , as mac doesn't support outlook categories , todomatrix category(d4 and folders implementation with tas) fails , one way to work is to sync each category to a calendar in blackberry desktop manager one by one.

I don't know Omnifocus but other gtd application such as things and midnight inbox , write & export their tags in the subject itself , while todomatrix exports it in notes only .

Example would be

Name - Find GTD Solution
	Category - @Net, Fl:SolutionFind GTD
	Notes :
	begin TMXfields:en
	Folder =SolutionFindGTD

So the solution here would an applescript which would allow your task notes to be copied to your task subjects. I hope I am making sense here.

So they appear like
Find GTD Solution @net , @solutionfindgtd

The applescript which I found from apple discussion forum is below , I never got a chance to try it though.

How does omnifocus export your tasks it ical ?

-- John Maisey -- -- 29 Mar 2010
	-- This script gets all todos in the specified calendar and moves their notes that contain the requires text into the title.
	set calendarName to "Home"
	set theText to "@work"
	tell application "iCal"
	set myTodos to (todos of calendar calendarName)
	repeat with myTodo in myTodos
	if (description of myTodo) contains theText then
	set (myTodo's summary) to (myTodo's summary) & " " & theText
	end if
	end repeat
	end tell



Great info! Thanks much. I have no problem with a calendar for each Category ("Context"). What I'm finding out is it's PIBB that's causing the issues. Syncing and checking items with PIBB out of the equation, everything works fine, alarms included.

Now my issue is that OF Desktop causes dupes in my iCal, because of SyncServices I guess. If it's not one thing, it's another. :-(

I'll look at your script and see how that works.

Ultimately, what I'm after is a workflow that lets me establish Context (Categories) on my desktop and then I hope I can get ToDoMatrix to "respect" the alarms on both handheld and desktop. If I can't use OF, I'll look at some other workflow, like Things or Midnight Inbox.


if I remember , your alarms are going to be synced without issues , it's only the category and the structure which gets confusing to mac.

if you do manage to crack this , do pm me and lemme know

Warm Regards,

and nice to see a todomatrix user. What does your context list looks like. How long you been using it from ?