Productivity Principle #20


At a recent seminar with Danny Bader on GTD managing Projects & Priorities I received a copy of Ready for Anything. I had already read GTD & Making It All Work several times and I was curious what new tidbits this one would offer.
Principle #20 is a 2 1/2 page written work of art.
It's easy to let your emotions hold you back from being "ready". When you can prevent that from happening, wonderful things seem to happen.
If you haven't read it, you should. If you've read it, you should read it again.
Thanks David!


Ready for Anything

hey there - glad you're enjoying the book

my favorite (and there are many) is #15 - You won't see how to do it until you see yourself doing it.

be well


Hey, Thanks

Awesome indeed. I don't think I had read that one yet. Thanks for the pointer!

For instance, after a long overseas work trip, it has taken me about 2 solid weeks to really feel back to "ready." And that's even before getting to zero and my first weekly review back from the trip. No matter where I'm at in this process, I can at least do a mind sweep, and then get my pencil and 8 1/2 x 11 ready for capture and then put that into my clean-edged system.

(I also really liked that Robert Louis Stevenson quote. It gives me a good visual to focus on as a reminder of this. I imagine a clock on the wall in the captain's cabin of a ship at sea during a storm.)


The Year of Better Choices

I love "Ready for Anything". It is such a goldmine for me and I enjoy reading it over and over. What really resonated with me when I reread some chapters recently was chapter 52 "The biggest successes come from the most failures." I just love the idea of measuring my progress not by any specific success or failure but by the number of better choices I will make over time. So instead of a New Years resolution I am following David's recommendation in this chapter to make it my "Year of Better Choices". For me it works very well so far as it provides me with good guidance and reminders every day and it gets me in the "Kaizen" mindset. As David said if you know what you are doing the only improvement you can make is to become more efficient.