Startup: Next action process

Has anyone tried this in Outlook? I use my Tasks for my defined actions that I associate with a Project. My Tasks are divided into projects - so each Project is a Task Category along with the "@" lists - @Errands etc. One project I have is @Action (aka next action) - so as I select a Task for Next Action status I add it to the @Action project. Then it appears in the Tasks view in its original Project list that it was assigned to as well as in the @Action list in the Tasks view. I drive work from the @Actions list.
The process is (0) craete a Note with a simpole task list for each project, (1) from the simple task list create tasks for each project activity that is in an execution ready form, (2) associate each Task with a Project, (3) select one Task from each project for @Action status, (4) drive work through the @Action list, (5) daily - make sure I have one @Action Task for each Project.
Turning the Next Action strategy into a functional process was a bit of a challenge. I just hope I won't find that its too much list management.

- Comments appreciated!