Taking Back Project Ownership


I just returned from a two-week vacation. Prior to leaving, I provided my boss and my backup with a list of all of my projects and the current status of each. The weekly review I did just before this sure made that easy. Now I am back, and am in the process of taking back ownership of these projects.

I feel like two things need to happen with each of these projects, before they become mine again. First, I need to understand what the current status is, i.e. what happened while I was gone, what actions were taken, etc. This is taking some time and effort because my co-workers aren't using GTD. Second, I need to recommit to the project.

In fact, I am re-evaluating some of these projects as I take them up again. I don't know if my vacation provided me with a fresh perspective or what, but looking at them now I have some different views on them. Some are along the lines of "What is taking so long to complete this?" or "Is this worth doing?". Before, I just accepted that these were my projects to deal with. Now, I am looking at them all with a different attitude.