Tasks, Outlook and iphone


Hi there.

Now that the new iPhone software is out, have any readers here found new solutions to the challenge of synchronizing Outlook Tasks with an iPhone and NOT having a website in between (If I understand correctly, this is what one has to do with Toodledo--the app connects to the website and the website connects to Outlook. Please correct me if I misunderstand how this works.)?

I am very happy with my GTD implementation on Outlook. However, it would be nifty to make those tasks portable by synching them *directly* to my iPhone with the same categories and sorting. Furthermore, I would like to be able to make modifications to those tasks on my iphone and have those changes reflected in Outlook when I sync.

Please, any suggestions?

Many thanks in advance for any input,
Christine Q.


I use MyChapura Keytasks for this. It synchs from the iPhone to Outlook and from Outlook to the iPhone. It works quite well. All categories are transferred as well.


Converting an Email to a Task

Has anyone been able to convert an Outlook email to an Outlook Task? Thanks!


Yes. Simply move or copy the e-mail to the tasks folder and a new task will be created with the e-mail text and attachment in the task note field.


Outlook Tasks, Notes, OoO and GAL on iPhone in an Exchange Environment

cquillian;68250 said:
Hi there.

Now that the new iPhone software is out, have any readers here found new solutions to the challenge of synchronizing Outlook Tasks with an iPhone and NOT having a website in between (If I understand correctly, this is what one has to do with Toodledo--the app connects to the website and the website connects to Outlook. Please correct me if I misunderstand how this works.)?

I am very happy with my GTD implementation on Outlook. However, it would be nifty to make those tasks portable by synching them *directly* to my iPhone with the same categories and sorting. Furthermore, I would like to be able to make modifications to those tasks on my iphone and have those changes reflected in Outlook when I sync.

Please, any suggestions?

Many thanks in advance for any input,
Christine Q.

I highly recommend iMExchange if you'd like to get your tasks on your iPhone in an Exchange environment. It syncs tasks, notes, allows you to control your OoO, and query the corporate GAL (global address list).

App Store link: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=296718557&mt=8

Developers site: http://web.me.com/rerlsoft/Rerlsoft/Index.html



cquillian;68250 said:
Hi there.

Now that the new iPhone software is out, have any readers here found new solutions to the challenge of synchronizing Outlook Tasks with an iPhone and NOT having a website in between (If I understand correctly, this is what one has to do with Toodledo--the app connects to the website and the website connects to Outlook. Please correct me if I misunderstand how this works.)?

I am very happy with my GTD implementation on Outlook. However, it would be nifty to make those tasks portable by synching them *directly* to my iPhone with the same categories and sorting. Furthermore, I would like to be able to make modifications to those tasks on my iphone and have those changes reflected in Outlook when I sync.

Please, any suggestions?

Many thanks in advance for any input,
Christine Q.


Toodledo DOES have a website in between, but you really don't have to use it! Think of the Toodledo website as the "Cloud". I have my Toodledo configured to sync to Outlook on 2 computers AND my iPhone. I rarely, if ever, use the website at all. There will be some minor tweaking involved to get it "just right" for you, but I'm finding it to be invaluable in syncing to my iPhone.

Aside from Toodledo I use OggSync to push my Calendar and contacts from my Work Outlook out to GMail where I can sync it back down to my iPhone.