The PigPog Method



Project List with PigPog

Hi Dave (ddewees),

I think I misunderstood from your mail what you were after, but I understand from here - someone asked something similar before. You could probably get what you're after by searching for '{'. The search results on the Palm aren't too well laid out to work from, then, though, but in Outlook you could filter pretty well that way.

Personally, I've never found it neccessary. A project is just something that will take more than one step to complete - in real terms, it's no different from the actions, and in some cases, a project could involve less time / work than a single action. Then again, I'm not really 'pushing' the system too hard.

Hope this helps.


Michael thanks for the reply. Maybe to clarify more what I am trying to get would help.

I have a tendency to name the same project differently - at least I have in my previous implementations of GTD. I also tend to try and put to many NA's in motion on a project. So, while Pigpog has that limitation its' something that I see as a positive. I guess one solution would be to just do a manual review of all of my NAs after they are renamed and filter out the duplicate projects and projects with multiple NAs and condense things down.

But during this migration to PigPog I want to be able to sort my task list and see that I haven't assigned multiple NA's out of the gate. I also want to just to a sanity check to see my list of projects.

I dabbled with the Projects as Contacts list about 6 months ago but found it too cumbersome. So for a while I have been back to straight NAs and a seperate project list. Regular weekly reviews can help make the connection. But I still found myself neglecting certain projects or NAs

My "inner geek" may be looking for too many features in the PigPog method I could be right back to where I started.

I have discovered a way to export the na/task list to excel and parse for the { delimiater. This does give me the project list I am looking for to verify what is going on. This may be a workable solution to use for the conversion to PigPog and Weekly Review.

Does anyone else using PigPog method have anyother methods for parsing out their project names?



Re: Multiple NA Idea

plaid said:
Do this #My Project

- Now I realize there are two things that I could do, so I will change the first item to:

(1) Do this #My Project

- then I can duplicate this item and change it to:

(2) Do this too #My Project.

- if I have info I will quickly need when doing (2) I may add them to the note for that item, but I try to keep everything current in the notes for (1), treating it as the 'master' item.

I haven't been using this method very long, but it seems simple to maintain. I don't have too many projects with many possible NA's, but this seems to help with the ones that do.

Well I finally registered my name so I'm not 'guest' anymore. I'm still using this method for a few projects and it's going well. I really appreciated Gretchen's earlier post about puting an advance on a project in Datebk5 so that it shows up on my schedule, with the next action right in front. Makes it nice and easy to follow a project through with out having to bounce around to different apps, or different datatypes (todo to memo or contact etc)

I've made one slight change. My multiple actions now use a bullit and number rather than brackets around a number. (Replace the * with the bullet character on the palm)

*1 Do this #My Project

*2 Do this too #My Project.

For me it looks better, stands out more, and uses up one less character space on my screen :)



Plaid, I am using a similar method that I think I picked up from one of your earlier posts (thank you!). I start my project-related next actions with a plus symbol followed by a keyword for the project. It looks something like this:

+Smith: Draft correspondence to opposing counsel regarding settlement proposal.

If I have additional next actions for the same project on my context lists, they look like this:

+Smith: (2) Call client regarding settlement proposal.

When I use the Palm find function and put in +Smith, all my project-related next actions come up, and I can clearly see which is my primary next action where I store my notes. Of course, this would not work if you cannot use a consistent project name. It is a very workable "pigpog" solution for those of us using the "plain vanilla" approach.