Web-based Time Management for Geeks



Hey All-

Just found the forums here-- neat!

I've been working on a project with a few friends that (after a bit of encouragement from friends and colleagues) we've decided to push out to the rest of the world. It's a "side project" - i.e. I have a day job and have no immediate financial aspirations for the project, but I WOULD love to get some feedback and hear if people think it would be as useful as I think it'll be.

There is some info and screenshots up at http://www.rescuetime.com - it's aimed squarely at the lifehackin' geek market, so I'm hoping that folks here might have some interesting thoughts/questions.

Anyhoo, I look forward to diving into some other threads here. Thanks much for your time (if you made it this far!).

-Tony Wright