What do I do with completed outlook all day events


How do people mark completed outlook all day events as being done. I look today and see 7 of them, 5 of which are complete. Do I just delete them which means I lose the record I have done something, or mark them in some other way.



quantumgardener;46880 said:
How do people mark completed outlook all day events as being done. I look today and see 7 of them, 5 of which are complete. Do I just delete them which means I lose the record I have done something, or mark them in some other way.


I use colors, so I change the colors (I have a Done! Color)

Other simple solution is to write DONE: after the text on the today action after it is done. (I did this before the Color Idea)

I hope this help

Jeff Kelley

apinaud;46881 said:
I use colors, so I change the colors (I have a Done! Color)

Other simple solution is to write DONE: after the text on the today action after it is done. (I did this before the Color Idea)

I hope this help

I did the exact same things, I used to used to ass the "DONE:" text and just recently started using a "Completed" color.

Great minds think alike.


Thanks. I have things currently set up to colour automatically based on @context but I think that's a bit of overkill. I'll select appropriate colours and work from there. It sounds like a good idea.

Except I have to modify it a bit. Being Australian I only have colours and not colors ;) .



quantumgardener;46884 said:
Being Australian I only have colours and not colors ;)


I hope then you have an Australian Outlook Version, because if you have an american one, you will be out of luck... (or will need to use colors :D)

Thansk for the good laugh


Wish Outlook "completed" did something!

I always open these all day events and click the "Complete" checkbox. I wish it automagically would change the colo(u)r or italicize or something when you do that but it doesn't. Thanks for the good advise / work-around above.



I haven't tried it with appointments, but before I close a task as 100% complete, I save the task (using File - Save As - Rich Text Format) as an RTF file on my backup drive. I suppose this would also work with appointments.


Hello, for me it depends on the item.

If it's something requiring an action, then the day before or even first thing on the morning it's due, I convert it to a task, due for that day. This way it's on my NA list and can be ticked off as completed etc.

I did create a macro to do this automatically - the macro would go through a given days all day events and ask me if I wanted to convert them individually to tasks etc but after a recent re-install i've just been right clicking and dragging them to the tasks icon.

Converting them to a task also makes it easier not to lose them if they're not completed on that day. They'll be in the NA list as overdue tasks rather than dissapearing off the calendar as a past all day event.

If it's non-actionable or is something that "actions itself" (such as a bill being paid by direct debit or standing order) then I'll edit the subject and put Done or Paid etc in there too.

Hope this helps!

Andy D.


Great posts! I just adopted the label use for marking a calendar entry 'complete'... great idea


How to?

Can someone please tell me how to change the colors in outlook? Are you talking about the "labels" - ie. important, travel required, etc. for appointments or something else?

Confused in Dallas