When to do the weekly review


I'm currently struggling with when to do the weekly review. In GTD, DA recommends doing it on Friday's, so I just decided to go with that. My problem is that I do the weekly review on Friday, lock up my drawers and go home for the weekend. When I get back on Monday, I feel like I need to do another mini-review to get back into work mode after a nice relaxing weekend.

I'm thinking of just switching the weekly review to Monday so I don't have to waste time with this mini-review. When do other people do their weekly review? What are the pros and cons of Monday vs. Friday?


Review when it's best for you

A lot of people have posted their opinions about the best time to review, but you really have to look honestly at your own schedule and workflow to determine the best time *for you*

Fridays don't really work for me either; way too much pressure and time-critical work all day, usually a long day, and I'm "whupped" at the end of the day -- the last thing I want to do is sit down then and complete a lengthy review.

I lurked around, read some other posts and settled on Thursday afternoon, the one quiet moment in my work week. It seems to me that David Allen is concerned that we regularly conduct the review each week, rather than dictating that it occur on Friday only, so work with what's best for you -- just keep it consistent!



I work from home, and Sunday is the day I do mine because that's a day I'm "not working." Somehow, when I step away from my work like that, I seem to have a much better perspective on what needs to be done and is really important. So that's why I do it then.