Strategies for follow ups within GTD using Omnifocus?


Hi friends,
I am moderately successful in implementing GTD throughout my life. I use Omnifocus as my primary inbox, project, next action, etc, area.

I'm realizing I have a bottleneck in my system, and I'm hoping for some tips or ideas. I will often go to networking events and collect contacts from many people. I then follow up on those contacts with an email.

I don't have a good system in place to reach back out to those people. Currently they all just go in my "Waiting For" folder. That folder is getting huge and unwieldy.

As I type this, I suppose I could put some system in place where I set a due date to hear back and if I don't hear back I can just follow up x number of times and then maybe drop them? I have a hard time with the idea of thinking of each single contact as a project and that will also feel really unwieldy.

Any tips or thoughts?