Weekly review


It seems David places a lot of emphasis on the weekly review. As a newbie I’m still all over the place. I was wondering if the gtd community could tell me what they do during their weekly reviews. Is it reordering your lists? Dedicating time to thinking of larger goals. Catching up on the things you did not get to? Do you have a set WR format? Also how long does this process take?
Thanks if the WR is a major component I would like to focus on doing it correctly.


Dedicating time to thinking of larger goals. Catching up on the things you did not get to? Do you have a set WR format? Also how long does this process take?
I try to clear all my inboxes the day before. But usually I start my weekly review with a 3-5 minute quickie mind sweep and then process anything that comes up. I use the Incompletion trigger list to try to catch any stray thoughts. The list is int he GTD methodology guides.

I review my calendar looking forward for the next couple of months usually about 6 months in the future. I capture any projects that I might have missed related to deadlines coming up.

Then I focus on each project I have and evaluate it:
  1. Do I still need to do this project?
  2. Do I need to do this project during this quarter? (For me I pull others back out into my Someday/Maybe lists)
  3. Is the name such that I know what my goal is?
  4. Is there at least 1 clear next action?
  5. Is the action worded properly so I can really do it?
  6. Is the context correct?
I also have some single action lists and those tend to get long. When I review the individual actions in those, especially if they have been there a while I ask whether the "action" is really a project in disguise and if it is I create a new project and do the actions above.

After review all my projects in a project oriented view I review all my context lists and ask these questions:
  1. Is this item in the proper context? (Yes duplicated from above but I still fix errors frequently in this part)
  2. Are there too many items on this list for me to feel comfortable?
  3. Do I need to create a new context for some of them?
  4. Are there few or no items on this context?
  5. Do I need to delete a context?
  6. Are there any special circumstances that require me to add or delete a context for the next week or so?
Then I take a look at the various appropriate Someday/Maybe lists. Mine are in a tool that presents them as text files so I can read them quickly.

I just verify that I don't need to add any new projects from them into my lists and also make sure that if I've moved any projects back into someday/maybe that they are in a state where I can pick them up again in the future and run with it.

Lastly I think about any other things I might want to do, the get creative part and do another mind sweep. Then I try to process those according to the normal inbox processing.

Entire process can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours, it all depends on what has happend during the past week and what is coming up.

Once a quarter I schedule at least 3-4 hours for a really indepth review of higher levels and the big swapping out of projects from current system into Someday/Maybe and vice versa.

End of year I do an even more indepth review that starts around the solstice and takes almost a month where I add extra things to each weekly review to get ready for the new year.


It seems David places a lot of emphasis on the weekly review. As a newbie I’m still all over the place. I was wondering if the gtd community could tell me what they do during their weekly reviews. Is it reordering your lists? Dedicating time to thinking of larger goals. Catching up on the things you did not get to? Do you have a set WR format? Also how long does this process take?
Thanks if the WR is a major component I would like to focus on doing it correctly.
The Weekly Review is a safety net for my GTD system. I only check if my GTD system does not leak ie. if there are no active Projects without Next Actions and if there are no overdue items in my calendar.


Content Creator, Origami Twist YouTube Channel
One of my favourite parts of GTDConnect is all of the templates they have created for us. -

While on the gtdconnect.com main page -->

Click on "DOCUMENT LIBRARY" at the top of the page. -->

Select "TOOLS & TEMPLATES" from the drop down menu by clicking on it -->

Near the bottom of that page there is a link titled "Weekly Review Template (PDF Download)". Click on it to access the printable .pdf file containing a step by step template of the Weekly Review. HTH! Happy Reviewing! :)


I follow the weekly review steps laid out in Getting Things Done book, in the order they're presented. I've found that works well for me. If you're "all over the place," I'd suggest focusing on the basics first by following the process as outlined in the book.

If you've tried that and you're finding one or more of those steps to be a stumbling block, feel free to share some details about which step(s) is the sticking point and why. I'm sure you'll get multiple (hopefully helpful) suggestions.

BTW, we've all been there so don't get discouraged.