New webinar: GTD and Agile


Staff member
Please join us for a live discussion with GTD trainers Luca Gambetti and Paul Vahur, on the intersections between GTD and agile practices including scrum. There will be time for your questions and comments.

November 2, 2021 7:00AM–8:00AM Pacific Time

The registration link is in the webinars panel on the right side of most GTD Connect pages.
This was excellent! Let us know, please, when the recording will be available. Thanks, John!
Interestingly where I work has just embraced Agile ways of working. i find there are so many similarities to GTD and how I work. I think that what it does for those without a current working practice is that it gives them a structure to follow. If you are using GTD you have that structure already. But frighteningly most people don't seem to know how to organise their work, in a knowledge based role/organisation. They simply react to email or requests and hence feel 'out of control' or 'powerless'. Agile being embraced by the company kind of forces a structure onto them. We GTD'rs already have that structure.