reference vs someday maybe (part II)


The workflow chart says
"is it actionable?" -> NO -> ... someday maybe OR
-> ... reference

any hints how to judge / decide better where the stuff belongs really?

[I once posted that question, mainly focused on books. The book thing is clear to me now (after years...) ]


To me, someday/maybe is where I park an actionable item that I just don't want to decide and/or act upon right now. My reference lists are for information I might like to refer back to at a later date. It's all about whether or not the item in question is actionable...


For me a someday/maybe item is likely a project or action while a reference item may just be information. Since I don't separate my filing cabinet into reference vs someday/maybe for paper stuff I just create a folder for the item and file it in the file cabinet.

For electronic stuff if it's an action/project I usually create it in Omnifocus and set it to on-hold for someday/maybe. If it's a reference item that is electronic I create a DEVONThink Note and if necessary a folder and file it in the appropriate DEVON Think Database.

I have 7 DT databases. 1 for LambTracker and Android development, 1 for archived items from my notebook/mobile one, 1 that is archived e-mails from an earlier system, 1 I sync with my phone that contains thing I think I might need when away from my computer, 1 that is a file cabinet for electronic items, 1 that is an index of my electronic file cabinet that lives on my main computer and 1 encrypted database for all personal or sensitive information of any sort.


I don't get too concerned with the difference. I file them all in the same place. Someday/Maybe items are on my Someday/Maybe list but if there is supporting material it is filed in the cabinet or electronically along with everything else. Some examples that I think are really reference unless I've picked a specific one that I flag as a Someday/Maybe include knitting patterns, recipes, video game walkthroughs.

It is best practice to cull through your reference files once in a while and remove material you no longer need. I'd love to say I do this on some regular basis, but it is currently on my Someday/Maybe list. :)


I am with CJSullivan here. Regardless of whether you keep them in the same barrel, coffin or whatever there is a fundamental difference in principle as to what they are. Someday/Maybes are things that you might decide to do, whereas Reference are things that might be useful information when doing something (quite possibly something unforeseen, that you may not even have listed yet)