A possible criteria to add additional catalyst to Next Actions?


A possible criteria to add additional catalyst to Next Actions?

"V-Actions" is just what Next Actions sometimes need?

V-Actions . . . the "V" confirms/reminds/represents that all: considerations, deliberations, self-sabotaging, etc. concerns have been appropriately funneled out

Somewhat like plenitude of ideas have funneled into one's GTD system as the GTD Work Flow Map accurately expresses from "Life's Random Inputs [Stuff]" to Output [Action Choice]

As such, if Next Action(s) backlog has been a GTD concern then perhaps the "V" purpose can help confirm to oneself that all considerations are as complete as possible to avoid being stupid for Next Actions can to be more easily fulfilled, subconsciously or otherwise, without any frustrating cognitive [rational / emotional] hesitation(s)

Perhaps too crazy for others to have previously express?
An appropriate response?
Life is too short . . . allow door possibilities to open to one's gifts-&-talents . . . prudently get on with it?

As you see your GTD system . . . fit
A possible criteria to add additional catalyst to Next Actions?

"V-Actions" is just what Next Actions sometimes need?

V-Actions . . . the "V" confirms/reminds/represents that all: considerations, deliberations, self-sabotaging, etc. concerns have been appropriately funneled out

Somewhat like plenitude of ideas have funneled into one's GTD system as the GTD Work Flow Map accurately expresses from "Life's Random Inputs [Stuff]" to Output [Action Choice]

As such, if Next Action(s) backlog has been a GTD concern then perhaps the "V" purpose can help confirm to oneself that all considerations are as complete as possible to avoid being stupid for Next Actions can to be more easily fulfilled, subconsciously or otherwise, without any frustrating cognitive [rational / emotional] hesitation(s)

Perhaps too crazy for others to have previously express?
An appropriate response?
Life is too short . . . allow door possibilities to open to one's gifts-&-talents . . . prudently get on with it?

As you see your GTD system . . . fit
If I understand correctly, I would advice against this. Things that are not properly clarified and organized should instead go back to "in", and also, one should instead utilize Someday/Maybe to make sure that the lists of next actions don't become too long. The weekly review will make sure that nothing falls through the cracks!
Maybe my English is too poor for your statement... but honestly - what do you mean in this post?

GTD reflection posted as possible recourse to reduce Next Action(s) backlog(s) that seems to be a symptom of counter-productive Next Action for the sake of Next Action syndrome?

Thank you very much sir

As you see GTD fit. . . .
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If I understand correctly, I would advice against this. Things that are not properly clarified and organized should instead go back to "in", and also, one should instead utilize Someday/Maybe to make sure that the lists of next actions don't become too long. The weekly review will make sure that nothing falls through the cracks!
@René Lie

In addition to your good GTD suggestions, perhaps the Tickler File might also be helpful as a fresh GTD strategy for easier 'non-angst' accurate Next Action clarity to help, again; avoid seemingly counter-productive Next Action for the sake of Next Action syndrome?

Thank you very much sir
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What I mean is that sometimes we focus too much on our system, we add criteria, we smooth it, we polish it, our contexts look like Allen could learn from us ;), information flows from our boxes to others and back; one can say that the system is more than alive, more than perfect - only the work is not completed.
What I mean is that sometimes we focus too much on our system, we add criteria, we smooth it, we polish it, our contexts look like Allen could learn from us ;), information flows from our boxes to others and back; one can say that the system is more than alive, more than perfect - only the work is not completed.

With gratitude, thank you for your very good GTD perspective and find your GTD 'arrival' most appreciatively inspiring

Perhaps those with less noble GTD understanding may also be encouraged to develop/improve their particular GTD systems through creative ways they respectfully see fit to overcome their GTD learning disabilities through the use of the GTD Forum? Thank you very much

As such, perhaps can also look forward to a 3rd [Anniversary] edition of "Getting Things Done" while we get all get our good works done as easily as possible through our personally dynamic GTD methodological systems?

All GTD good

Thank you very much sir

Respectfully as you see GTD fit. . . .