A topic to discuss with a client

Do you keep agendas? i.e. things to discuss with people the next time you see them. That would be a good place for that.
Nikolaevnikolaev;80971 said:
I'd like to be reminded to discuss a topic with my client I don't see on a regular basis. What's the best context to use for that purpose?

I'd either create a context for the specific client or create a reference folder where I collect all the notes/questions for that client and then my next action of for example "Call client C see list in folder X-Current" in the @phone business hours context

I have typically use a " - Current" folder for active projects and ideas and a " - Archive" where I put all the old stuff in case I need to refer back to it.

I don't have as many computer clients now as I used to, farming is full time now. :-)