Announcing Nubi Do, a full fledged and flexible GTD iPhone/iPod app


Hi All,
Saw a post or two regarding our product so I thought I'd make an "official" announcement about Nubi Do, a new task management app for the iPhone/iPod.

Nubi Do is a powerful yet simple to use task manager for your daily life. From it's intuitive interface to it's clean workflow, Nubi Do lets you manage your day to day tasks without getting in your way. It's simple enough to be used as a quick to do list and powerful enough to be used as a full fledged GTD solution with support for tags, contexts, recurring tasks and more.

I encourage people to take a look at our website and learn more about the application. Also be sure to read the user reviews on the app store so you can make a sound decision based on the merits of the application.

And BTW, it's currently on sale at a 50% discount for a limited time so make sure to take advantage of the offer.

And if you have any questions, I would be more than happy to answer them.

Our Company Website
Nubi Do on the App Store


Hi All,
Just wanted to inform everyone that the 50% sale has now ended. We've released a new version of the app with a couple of the more frequent user requested features.



i got a privilege of playing with this application more. the calendar review is unique and perhaps helpful for alot of people.

its got all that is necessary to do GTD on it, except for higher hierarchical planning.

Nubi Do Revew