Anybody using ACT and / or HPC Notes w. the GtD System?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert
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I am planning on using HPCNotes as the anchor for my implementation of GtD .. I am only 1/3 of the way through David's book so I am no "blackbelt" user but I plan on making a Project list in HPCNotes and tracking the action steps for each project in the note's section which HPC supplies for each record. This is where it gets tricky, however, because since my action steps would be imbedded within HPCNotes, I would then weekly, have to manually transfer specific timed and untimed action steps into my ACT calendar in order to work on them.

What do you think??

ACT by itself is not very well suited to GtD bec. each task, in ACT, has to be linked specifically to an individual contact and that is cumbersome at times hence my need for HPCNotes.....but then HPC Notes won't let me easily move my Action Steps out of it w/o opening each project and copying and pasting but that could in essense be a step w/in my weekly review process.

Also, what about the Outlook add-in, that David offers? Is it very functional...wish that I could download a trial version of it. I am currently using Nelson Email Organizer from but would consider switching if the Outlook Add-In for GtD was really "cool."

Feed back would be appreciated on my initial approach to GtD since I am relatively new to the process.

Robert :lol:

Some feedback on the outlook add-in...

I bought it just when I was starting to implement GTD. I thought it would be the fast track, and I was not disappointed. It did not have any "bugs" except that the help screens had some broken links and netcentrics fixed that as soon as I brought it to their attention.

In hindsight I wish I had had the time to study GTD and understand it in all its fullness, try it paper-based and tweak it before using the outlook add-in, but life does not permit me that luxury. The reason I say this is that some of the things that the add-in does were a mystery to me because I did not fully understand GTD. My fault.

There are some things about the add-in that I wish were different or improved, but I cannot change since I am not a programmer. On the other hand, since I am not a programmer I never could have gotten outlook to do what it does with the add-in.

Another good approach using outlook is defined by Bill Kratz on his web site, This one is free but takes some time to set up. Bill is an expert in outlook and has helped me several times with outlook usage issues.

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Another good approach using outlook is defined by Bill Kratz on his web site, This one is free but takes some time to set up. Bill is an expert in outlook and has helped me several times with outlook usage issues.