Anyone other GTDers strategically using email/gmail 'Drafts'. . . .


Any other GTDers strategically using email/gmail 'Drafts' as a very low digital Engagement 'investment' . . . highly flexibility Capturing, Journaling, Organizing, Reflection, and Engagement/Do tool ?

Thank you very GTD much
I would be nervous about using it for something other than its intended purpose. But if it works, it works.

Are you using it this way on your phone or on your computer or both?
I would be nervous about using it for something other than its intended purpose. But if it works, it works.

Are you using it this way on your phone or on your computer or both?

Thank you for your GTD reply

Perhaps by in large, when it comes to low-stakes using/gerry-rigging "something other than its intended purpose" can seemingly be worthwhile

Thus far, due to current phone peculiarities, only via PC/Chromebook

"Drafts" remain optimally flexible so long as they remain in "Draft" mode . . . once sent to email to self for Organize, then one is relatively 'all in' regarding that particular clarified item

The "Drafts" function is holding up fairly well as a Project navigation tool since the Next Action can be Contexed in one swipe and are dually present as some GTDers seemingly need . . .

Also, as the Lists in "Drafts" has a Label, then one easily see what 'Stuff' has been desirably clarified

As currently practiced, one drag-swipe to Contextualize into add a 'Next Action', etc. and four clicks [thus far] via Labels to Undo [Swipe to Undo would be a 'game-changer'] which might understandably be too 'click costly' for some GTDer's: like many things in life . . . easy to get in . . . more difficult to get out ?

Tool criteria learned this experience:
A Tool's Low Cost Engagement might also be determining to what degree a particular Tools' has the ability to be Flexible for the unknown in order to counter meaning: easy to get in . . . flexibly easy to get out ?

Thank you very much

There you have it sir

Anything in "Drafts" unlabeled would be deemed as a Stuff(s)' Inbox, and as such, would need to be Clarified for Trash (simply gone) or appropriately Organized via digital Labeling:

Reference (immediately filed out of "Drafts")

Project [Identified as such with Single-Spaced Upper-Case letters with any Support 'Materials' in the "Compose" section] and appropriate Context Label by easily swiping into Context File

Solo Next Actions Labeled with appropriate Context until they become a closed loops for possible Reference filing

The above remains in "Drafts" until the given Project or solo Next Action becomes a closed loop for Reference

Thank you very much sir
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I would be nervous about using it for something other than its intended purpose. But if it works, it works.

Are you using it this way on your phone or on your computer or both?
@cfoley A long time ago I was using Gmail's drafts for writing drafts of my blog posts. It was a great, free, cloud-based, reliable writing tool for me.
Hey there,
I have drafts of emails that I use as templates in office 365.

The team of freelancers that I email and add a new email to as it is given to me.
Key resources e.g. handouts for communication tools.

I will also save drafts of emails I'm reflecting on how I've written them.

I use templates for text with Dragon speech recognition, such as for confirming an appointment with a 48 hour cancellation policy.

I hope that helps
Hey there,
I have drafts of emails that I use as templates in office 365.

The team of freelancers that I email and add a new email to as it is given to me.
Key resources e.g. handouts for communication tools.

I will also save drafts of emails I'm reflecting on how I've written them.

I use templates for text with Dragon speech recognition, such as for confirming an appointment with a 48 hour cancellation policy.

I hope that helps

"I will also save drafts of emails I'm reflecting on how I've written them."

Indeed . . . find the 'draft mode' also prevents a premature 'All In' mentality that is more unnecessarily 'costly to undo' after the fact for Project(s) and Next Action(s) commitments in the Subject Line that can be Trashed prior to be even worthy of Someday/Maybe

Thank you very much sir