Anyone seen and used the new GTD Workflow Map?

It's a big poster with stylish graphics - perhaps it's the artistic execution that's driving the premium price. Still, I doubt it will take its place above many living room fireplaces...

At that price, there should (or ought to) be some pretty valuable nuggets of wisdom.
Pricy Stuff

GTD stuff is quality but most of the time seems a bit overpriced to me. I guess the company wouldnt be as successful as it is if people werent willing to pay those prices. I'm not though.
dsmccormick;72319 said:
I was wondering whether anyone had actually seen the final version and could give some personal reaction to the material.

I debated long and hard but decided to go ahead and get it. I just got a notice that it is shipping this coming week. I'll be glad to post back when I see it. The poster is probably worthless to me, no space to put it except the barn and I suspect the sheep won't read it ;-) but I am hoping the DVD and small one are worth the money.

Since most of my failures in GTD seem to be related to incomplete processing I am hoping it gives me a better framework to use when I process what I collect.
It looks like this is the same poster that was showcased at the GTD summit. Someone posted a pictures they had taken, but i was taken offline pretty quickly again.
That one was basically a prettier version of the advanced workflow diagram(not the basic one in the book). Obviously having a quality printed nice pretty workflow diagram is a nice psychological boost. Anything above the first book counts as a luxury to me anyway, so i don't mind the price too much. I am quite curious about the material on the DVD however.
Hey Guys--

The map previewed at the GTD Summit was not the final version. There were modifications made after that. It's also copyrighted material. So any digital copies you may find on the Internet are not legal copies and we asked those who posted them to remove them (which most were happy to do once they realized it was neither the latest & greatest or legal.)
You can draw your own poster for free!

WebMarketer;72338 said:
I love GTD, but $50 for any kind of GTD poster is outrageous. Hopefully the included DVD makes it worth half the price.

humblepie;72409 said:
seriously in my neck of the woods USD 50 is alot of money for something like that. even a movie poster cost like USD 15.

You can draw your own poster for free! Everything you need to know is in the GTD book!
why I bought it

Yep, I could draw my own for free.

Yep, movie posters cost less

Yep, $50 is big money for some people for a product of this nature.

I bought it because:

I wanted it.
Nicely done artwork inspires me
Investing something in my own development gives me skin in the game

And I wanted it. I know, I said that twice. :)
Got it today!

Got my 2 workflow posters and DVD today. Boy, they really are nice! I haven't watched the DVD yet, though.

I'm off to find a frame for the biggest one. I'm putting the smaller of the two under the glass that protects my desktop so it will be right where I can see it.

BTW, there is considerably enhanced material here over the basic workflow diagram. Very inspirational!
Mine Arrived

Barb;72525 said:
Got my 2 workflow posters and DVD today.

Mine too, no place for the poster but the smaller chart is currently living next to my inbox. No time to listen to the DVD yet either, maybe next week. However I did review the chart and found it helped with some sticky things that have been hanging around in my inbox through a couple of processing days.
Have to wait

Mine arrived today also. Unfortunately I'm out of town so I will have to wait until Friday before checking it out....I'm looking forward to it.

I loved the look of it, and was fine with paying the price for it on the basis that I know how hard it is to design.

Unfortunately, despite my pleas for a PDF version, they insisted that only a physical version would be avaliable - so I was charged an extra $33 to have it delivered, and rather than using a courier it's been thrown to the wolves of the UK Royal Mail - who are on phased strike. :(

Um. So I might get it, some day. Perhaps.
GTD poster and dvd

Mine arrived 2 days ago (to HK) and not in the usual cardboard cyclinder but a triangular long box. I immediately took my 2 smaller posters to be laminated and I'm going to hang one on the wall next to my home desk and the other one I'll keep at the office. These are a good size to hold in your hand to study. I'm not sure what I will do with the big poster yet. The diagram takes some concentration as its different to previous GTD pictures although the concepts are the same. I've watched the dvd twice now (while cleaning out my closet). David is in a dark studio sitting on a stool (ladies - yellow sweater, cashmere perhaps?) with the poster on an easel and then he walks through the GTD principles as they are pictured. The camera zooms in to focus on the relevant part of the poster as David talks. Definately the dvd helps understand the poster as its possible to miss some of the finer details although the content is quite dry (without the humor of the cd's). I don't have any issue with it being worth $50 given the intellectual input that goes into creating something like this. Hope they sell lots.
Barb;72439 said:
I bought it because:

I wanted it.
Nicely done artwork inspires me
Investing something in my own development gives me skin in the game

And I wanted it. I know, I said that twice. :)

Barb, love your post.

Flawless and compelling logic. I ordered it too.
It's worth it!

The new GTD Workflow Map is more than just a pretty version of the one in David's Getting Things Done book.

Along with the DVD which guides you around the map, you have a complete working guide to the GTD approach including the Horizons of Focus which wasn't part of the original diagram.

In my view, you can't easily put a price on the 20 years of research that's behind this map. It's a personal decision but I think it's well worth the price (even with transatlantic shipping costs in my case). There's now a folded version which is cheaper to ship than the rolled version (which I must say was well-packaged and arrived in perfect condition).

What could you spend $50 on that would give you greater lasting value?

In the end it's your choice! You don't HAVE to buy it.

David R Parker
A satisfied GTDer
Waiting for...mine

I am anxiously waiting for...mine.

There are still illegal copies on the internet and I tell you this not to promote illegal actions. The quality is relatively poor, but for me it's like having a 1st draft waiting for the final copy. I even printed one to tape together for the large size. What I look forward most to though is the DVD that comes with it. I'll probably put the big one in my home office & the smaller one in my work (kitchen) office.

I'll edit this reply after I receive and see the whole package.

GTDer (more on than off) since 1999
Stuff I use:

GTD Coordinator
Outlook 2007 aligned like the purchased PDF Guide
Brother Labelers
Hole punches
GTD Tickler Files
GTD Notetaker Wallet
GTD Books & Blogs
GTD Fast
2 Minute Timer
Just about everything from the early years. own homemade GTD Flowchart originally design in Excel 2003.

Attached files
Just what I was looking for!

The map is truly a thing of beauty, but the 11x17 version that comes with the DVD and poster is just too big to add to my GTD notebook. Thanks so much for posting the link!