Anyone use Floating events in Datebk5 as INBOX?


I also use ShadowPlan, but I need to better utilize the combination of SP and DB5. I have a lot of recurring events in DateBK5 but use ShadowPlan as an ouliner for projects and then transfer Next Actions using ShadowLink into Datebk5


I use Bonsai to outline 'Projects', transfer the Next Actions to Agendus and my electronic inbox is DayNotez. Reasons ? .....

I don't need the complexity of SP, (I agree it's a fantastic piece of software but I wouldn't use all the options), Bonsai does everything I need it to do. I used to use Dbk5 but Agendus, for my taste, has a clearer interface and I don't need all the options in Dbk5. I enter everything into DayNotez that happens during the day - emails that appear in my laptop Inbox, phone conversations etc. At the end of the day I review them all and process accordingly. I used to use paper as a daily inbox as it was quicker than using the Clie but long-term it's quicker to get the info into Next Actions, Projects etc by entering into DayNotez and then transferring to a Memo or Todo.


Bonsai and DayNotez

Yeah to Bonsai and DayNotez! :D

I used to be a GTD addict. Now, I'm back to using categories with my Palm organizer to represent places. (Home, Desk, Family, etc.). This works *really* well with categories on Outlook, etc.

I got written up at my work for "not having enough focus". Truth be told, I was *VERY* focused, but obviously not on the right things.

I use:
* DayNotez to log EVERYTHING I DO. Once I do something, I open DayNotez and use it as a "journal" (I can go back to previous days, search, etc.) It also imports from Palm's calendar and ToDo lists.
* Bonsai (just registered tonight). Works well with DayNotez. The acid test for me was to import ALL my ToDo's (even closed ones), and to *really* categorize them. I can filter, export, print and even tie to DayNotez with this program! I use DA's idea of filtering; however, I can logically group my ToDo's in categories to appear like "projects". I've been struggling with trying to get something that logs the Outlook tasks, but "gathers" them logically together for me.

Plus, with the combo of the two, I can always go back to when I DID something and see the outcome.

My discovery (and I'm sure I'm not unique here): The simpler, the better. It doesn't matter what you have if you don't use it! I've actually used paper and this works best for me.


Are you saying that Bonsai will import done To-Do's and put them in the right categories automatically? (from To-Do to Bonsai if you have identical categories in both)