Applying GTD to reading books



I like to read books and I have this obsession with buying more books to read (it's almost a disease). Since I have an ever-growing pile of books waiting for me to get to them, I was thinking of applying the GTD method to this problem. I am still new to the GTD and I'm struggling to conceptualize what a project like this might look like. How could I break it down into actionable steps? Should I have a project per book, or by context (personal vs professional reading)?

Does anyone of you have a similar experience? How did you resolve it?



I like to read books and I have this obsession with buying more books to read (it's almost a disease). Since I have an ever-growing pile of books waiting for me to get to them, I was thinking of applying the GTD method to this problem. I am still new to the GTD and I'm struggling to conceptualize what a project like this might look like. How could I break it down into actionable steps? Should I have a project per book, or by context (personal vs professional reading)?

Does anyone of you have a similar experience? How did you resolve it?
What does 'reading action' look like?

Some possibly 'easy' suggestions?:

When and where am I most bored?

When and where is reading the 'only' thing I can do?

When and where do I find myself waiting and reading is the 'only' thing I can do?
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Does anyone of you have a similar experience? How did you resolve it?
I didn't resolve it but a recent David Allen video he said you will read more if you only have a book in your brief case and one by your bed (or something like that).

The key was having just 2 available; it will help you read more and enjoy each more.

Another key is seeing all that is on your reading list at once; it is a potential deterrent to getting adding more reading. (from the same video - hope someone remembers the video).

I like to buy books and tech gadgets. I incubate every purchase in some way. I connect mine with the weekly review where I look at the full extent of my reading and gadget purchase on deck, vs unfinished/non-started reading or gadget integration.
I then figure out what I'm going to let into my unfinished world.

Favorite Audio Book Type: Multiple Readers: the first I experienced was The Darwin Conspiracy - it has 3 timelines with different readers for each. The most recent in this type: New York 2140.