Article about GTD and MemoLeaf


Over the past couple of weeks, I've been simplifying my GTD process (previously implemented with NoteStudio) to remove some points of friction I was encountering. My new system is implemented with MemoLeaf, a Palm OS program by Redwood Creative, and a couple of freeware add-ons.

Now that I'm up and running with my new system, I've taken the time to document what I did so that others can benefit from it. Interested forum users can read my article at:

Feedback, comments and the like are always welcome.

-- Tammy


Excellent Work!


I wonder why no other GTDer isn't chiming in on this inspired
work of ingenuity. I was so interested I read the entire manual
for memoleaf before going to your implementation so I could
understand the elements that went into this formula.

Thank you for detailing this work and creating a web page
I was able to find while searching for something else.

MemoLeaf does an excellent job at creating something comparable
to a wiki without being one. Good job being knowledgable to know
about pslink which doesn't exist in the listing of pam software at PG.

I'll throw this interesting development into the mix. Check out
Number Linker for Palm OS5 over there at Palmgear(PG).

Good work, Tammy


If there was a Memoleaf desktop companion I'd switch to this method in a second.


Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you found my system interesting. I don't claim it's for everyone, but it works well for me.

-- Tammy


StuGib said:
If there was a Memoleaf desktop companion I'd switch to this method in a second.

I wish there was a MemoLeaf desktop as well. In my spare time, I've been writing a note editor that does some MemoLeaf-ish stuff (timestamps, "key bank") to notes stored in Microsoft Outlook (via COM automation). It's far from ready for prime-time, but if I can get the features, stability and performance to where I'd like, I might look into releasing it.

-- Tammy


Memoleaf on the Desktop?

Pardon me if I am mistaken but Memoleaf is totally compatible with
the native palm memo application. I believe this means that you can
edit memos through the palm desktop and the changes will be reflected
in both the memoleaf and native memo application.

Tammy, am I off here? Wouldn't someone be able to input text data
that can later be organized with much more effiency with memoleaf
on the palm? Isn't text input the key aspect of having a desktop

I can understand that searching on palm desktop is not as robust
but at least you can sort by category, descriptionn and find.

Thanks in advance for any responses.


Garfield said:
Pardon me if I am mistaken but Memoleaf is totally compatible with the native palm memo application.

Yes you're right but the power of Tammy's system and Memoleaf is in the quick filtering and the search text/title switch. I've tried Palm Desktop and Agendus for Windows but neither of them even offer the quick filtering. I'm mainly desktop based, using my Palm as a lookup when I'm away from my PC, so I only usually sync once a day.


Garfield said:
Tammy, am I off here? Wouldn't someone be able to input text data that can later be organized with much more effiency with memoleaf on the palm? Isn't text input the key aspect of having a desktop counterpart?

The other poster correctly identified that the Palm Desktop (or Outlook) doesn't have the same searching capabilities as MemoLeaf on the Palm. Also, MemoLeaf can insert "Created on" and "Modified on" timestamps into memos automatically, something that can't be done in the Palm Desktop or Outlook.

-- Tammy


Desktop Centered

I understand Stu. I had not considered Desktop Centric users. What are you doing here? Don't you belong over at the Natara forums over at the beta topics. :) You certainly get around and I guess I do to only over there I am known by a different name.


Oh how I wish Palm got a clue or would buy a vowel. You would think that over the years their team would make even make minor if not sensible improvements to their Palm Desktop. They were at the nexus of being a Desktop PIM of choice over Microsoft Outlook through shear market share of their handheld. They also could have looked forward and expanded their Palms to maintain that share by adding Ipod like features to their device or itunes like features to their desktop. Now, Apple duplicates their early success in the handheld market the way they used to in a very similar way. The Palm plays video, mp3, does bluetooth & wifi, and has the software advantage Microsoft has over Apple, etc. What do they do? They come out with a 4gb Brick, change connectors to new devices all the time, split features among devices, sell out to Microsoft, give away their operating system. Why aren't they coming out with a Zune type device? They practically invented the Beam. Their Treo success will be short lived if they don't realize thin is in. They now rest on their software success but then again there is StyleTap. They had it all in the Palm of their hands. The Zen was then.



Garfield said:
I understand Stu. I had not considered Desktop Centric users. What are you doing here? Don't you belong over at the Natara forums over at the beta topics. :)

I'm everywhere ;-) Saves me having to do some work.