August Up Close


Enjoyed the conversatioin when I listened to it a few weeks ago, and especially Kelly's mention of a "flashlight app" for the iPhone! It showed up again on my playlist today, so I re-listened and realized where that great tip had come from!

I don't know that I would have ever thought of looking for a flashlight app, but it has come so handy on several occasions when I wouldn't normally have a 'regular' flashlight available. Most recently was when my husband dropped his keys in the grass near his car, in the dark and in the rain. I was able to pull out my phone and we found the keys right away using the flashlight app.

So, thanks, Kelly!! An unexpected benefit of Connect!


I was on vacation just this last week and taking a late night walk on the beach with my wife when I needed to use the flashlight app on my droid. I had only just heard this Up Close the week before so it made me think of that episode. It's definitely a must have app for your digital toolbox for those emergency situations and is one advantage of a digital ubiquitos capture tool over the note taker wallet :)