BB Task Pro

Is anyone out there using BBTask Pro? It is a GTD add-on for Blackberry. It looks like it's fairly new. I'd be interested in finding out if anyone is using it yet and how they like it.
I've just started using it, and the first week seems OK. I use Lotus Notes at work and have found this is a great enhancement to my ability to organize Notes todos according to my modified GTD approach. BB Task Pro blows away Blackberry's Tasks program.

The menu organization makes usage a bit clunky, but manageable. The developer is promising the product will evolve, so I'm hopeful minor inconveniences will be resolved quickly.

I also like BB Task Pro more than NextAction because it allows the flexibility to organize by date - not very 'GTD' of me to want this, but it fits my style of work.
Thank you for the feedback. Please let us know what type of menu changes and any other convenience changes you would like made and we will try to work them into future versions.