belts, creating inventory of GTD skills



I have been implementing GTD in bits and pieces slowly for a long time. Clearly I am learning a lot of new skills, habits, and ways of thinking. I think that the "belt" rating system is a good start at defining phases of implementation but it does not help you identify what you need to do next or get better at in a specific way. I am wondering if we might as a group effort create such a list or inventory? Would anyone find it useful? How might we do it? I am thinking along the lines of lists of actions and ways of thinking that show a progression. For example: I use the two-minute rule (or personal adaptation) a)mainly when getting back on track and dealing with "black holes" b)occasionally when processing my in- box or approaching other selected tasks c)daily with mindful effort d)daily automatically e)I don't understand it or can't make it work for me f)I tried it consistently and it's not for me. Any thoughts?


Did you read David's newsletter from a month or two ago where he describes what he considers to be a yellow belt, green belt, brown belt, and black belt? If you missed it, send me a private message with your email address and I will forward it on to you.

Essentially, if you see yourself as a green belt you need to focus on the things that will get you to brown.

Why not simply turn the description into a checklist and check off what one has accomplished? Then focus on the next item that needs to be improved.
