Best practices and tips for Palm?

Hello all.

I'll be getting a Palm Z22 in about a week or so so I'm really excited. I'm just wondering if some of you Palm users would mind sharing some of your best practices and tips on implementing GTD on Palm, like do you have a catch-all place where you park stuff for later processing, or do you process immediately and then input the actions into your tasks list? I also heard Mobile DB list tracker is included in the installation CD, do you guys also use this app for GTD? How about SplashShopper? Thanks! :)
corrallingyourstuff;60999 said:
do you have a catch-all place where you park stuff for later processing, or do you process immediately and then input the actions into your tasks list? I also heard Mobile DB list tracker is included in the installation CD, do you guys also use this app for GTD? How about SplashShopper? Thanks! :)

I use lifebalance for the palm and PC to track all my todo. It's worth a look

I don't use Mobile DB.

I use SplashShopper all the time. It rocks. :D

- Don
I use Datebook 6 for my calendar because I've always used this program over the built-in calender program. However, that's it. The rest of the Palm is "plain vanilla". It just plain works for me ;)

BTW, I have a Treo 650.
I use the standard apps. for most of my GTD-stuff. The Tasks/Todo app is the main part that I use all day. I use the categories to separate the different lists, contexts, projects and someday-maybe. I use HandyShopper for mye checklists. Here's most of it:

Project lists: Tasks, pro/pri projects
Someday/maybe: Tasks Palm pro/pri
Errands and Checklists in HandyShopper
Contexts: @Home, @Office, @Chainsaw, @Hobbyroom, @Phone in Tasks

In the Memo app I have a category INBOX where I put new ideas etc. unless it goes directly into projects/someday-maybe in Tasks.

corrallingyourstuff;61037 said:
How's it different from Handyshopper?

I think the SplashShopper desktop application makes the difference. Handyshopper editors are much harder to learn to use and when I had to move from JShopper to something new I went with SplashShopper because of the desktop app.
Here's what I used when I had a Palm. I'm using a iPhone now and to be honest, nothing really beats the Palm for GTD!

I originally used Agendus for viewing the NAs but any app that uses the built in todo database could be used. I modified this somewhat by using ksDateBook/ksToDo and CanDo; I've not documented this but I can if anyone is interested.

Progect Setup
- assigned to the Tasks button
- four top level projects for GTD; computer, home, work, MPhil
- 'Hide done tasks' selected in the 'Project Properties'; I only want to see what I have still to complete
- each top level project has a number of sub-projects with each sub-project
having a 'Notes' section
- the flat filter is set to show only the 'unfiled' category
- each top level project has the following categories (where appropriate);
@home, @internet, @mphil, @work, date

Agendus Setup
- assigned to the Calendar button
- task categories; @home, @internet, @mphil, @work, Calls (Agendus built
in), chores, date, errands
- split view shows chores, date and errand tasks (ie. only dated tasks)
- todo view is always set to show undated tasks
- list view shows @work so that I can see when work tasks have been
completed for my weekly timesheet
- todo settings; show completed items, show only dated items, record date on

Using the system
All tasks are entered in Progect in the relevant sub-project with no date
and a category of unfiled. The following codes are used:

- '>' : waitingFor
- '