Wanted to share this as it constitutes a bit of an "aha" for me...
As part of my GTD implementation I have a number of lists. One list in particular is quite long - over 30 entries. The list is called "Tasks - Weekly" and contains all the things I want to do every week. These are mostly household chores such as Clean Bedroom, Clean Kitchen, Check Tyres on Car, Calculate Expenses etc.
As you can see, in reality, these are all Projects with a number of Next Actions - yep - over 30 projects per week!
Every week I busted a gut to try and get them all done. Sometimes I succeeded but most of the time a number of things just didn't get done and I would berate myself to try harder next week...
Then "Aha" - I realised what I'd done. I had made a commitment with myself to perform all these Projects every week - no wonder I was feeling deflated!
I still have this list but it is no longer a weekly task list. It is now a "Weekly Task Checklist". Every week I use it to see if any areas need attention. In other words, I'm OK with not cleaning the bedroom each week. Instead I'll decide whether I'm prepared to let Clean Bedroom onto my radar (dependant on the current state of the bedroom and the other commitments I have for that week). If I am then I'll set up a Project and a Next Action. If I don't then I am safe in the knowledge that I will review my decision again in a weeks time (at the Weekly Review).
There are still things that I really do want to do weekly - to meet my hygiene standards - but there are only a few of these and these now get set up as Projects with Next Actions at the Weekly Review.
As part of my GTD implementation I have a number of lists. One list in particular is quite long - over 30 entries. The list is called "Tasks - Weekly" and contains all the things I want to do every week. These are mostly household chores such as Clean Bedroom, Clean Kitchen, Check Tyres on Car, Calculate Expenses etc.
As you can see, in reality, these are all Projects with a number of Next Actions - yep - over 30 projects per week!
Every week I busted a gut to try and get them all done. Sometimes I succeeded but most of the time a number of things just didn't get done and I would berate myself to try harder next week...
Then "Aha" - I realised what I'd done. I had made a commitment with myself to perform all these Projects every week - no wonder I was feeling deflated!
I still have this list but it is no longer a weekly task list. It is now a "Weekly Task Checklist". Every week I use it to see if any areas need attention. In other words, I'm OK with not cleaning the bedroom each week. Instead I'll decide whether I'm prepared to let Clean Bedroom onto my radar (dependant on the current state of the bedroom and the other commitments I have for that week). If I am then I'll set up a Project and a Next Action. If I don't then I am safe in the knowledge that I will review my decision again in a weeks time (at the Weekly Review).
There are still things that I really do want to do weekly - to meet my hygiene standards - but there are only a few of these and these now get set up as Projects with Next Actions at the Weekly Review.