Blackberry performance with 1,000 tasks

Does anyone have at least 1,000 tasks in their Blackberry? If you do, how does your BB perform? Fast? Slow?

Do you sync with Outlook?

In another thread it was reported that the Palm Treo can handle this amount of tasks but the Windows Mobile Treo cannot. I am curious about BB. I have a Verizon XV-6700 WM smartphone and it cannot handle my vast amount of tasks.

Todomatrix by REXwireless is a software program for the blackberry that can handle thousands of tasks. It's a bit pricey, but it works great, and it has GTD contexts built in.

It doesn't sync with Outlook, but it does sync with a secure backup database on REX's website.
NextAction! with 1000s of tasks

I am running NextAction! on my BlackBerry Pearl with several 1000s of tasks and a lot of projects.

Accessing tasks is pretty easy and very fast. So I can recommend it :)