Blackberry vs. Palm

I am thinking of finally entering the realm of smartphone and considering one of the two. I have been a palm user for years so i am leaning toward the Centro but wondered what your thoughts are on blackberry. I am using mac at home and windows at work. Not sure how much of a difference that will make.

Thanks for your input.

Nokia E71.

Palm? Use Nokia E71 instead. But if you are living in the US it can be difficult due to strange mobile phone companies' policies.
I've had my BB Storm for 3 weeks now and it's great - except for the Task List, which is still serviceable. I used a Palm (not smart phone) for over 10 years and loved it at first, but it couldn't keep up with the times and growing requirements.

The Storm is not the entertainment device that an iPhone is, but there is an option to sync media with iTunes (I haven't tried it yet). Email setup and Outlook sync is easier that Palm ever was. I miss the stylus input, but the touchclick screen is growing on me.

btw - I'm moving my work task lists back to paperGoogle Docs. It's just easier for data capture.

I like my Storm too. And you can make the Task List be more than serviceable if you download NextAction! It sorts Outlook tasks nicely by context and/or by project.


jrdouce;62708 said:
I've had my BB Storm for 3 weeks now and it's great - except for the Task List, which is still serviceable. I used a Palm (not smart phone) for over 10 years and loved it at first, but it couldn't keep up with the times and growing requirements.

The Storm is not the entertainment device that an iPhone is, but there is an option to sync media with iTunes (I haven't tried it yet). Email setup and Outlook sync is easier that Palm ever was. I miss the stylus input, but the touchclick screen is growing on me.

btw - I'm moving my work task lists back to paperGoogle Docs. It's just easier for data capture.
Blackberry vs. Palm

I used to use the Palm with a Mac (now using iPhone). It worked pretty well. I used Entourage as my desktop list/calendar/note app. I found that Missing Sync worked very well to sync (much better than Palm Hotsync).

I like the iphone a lot, but then again, if I really wanted to do email on my pda, I would go for a Blackberry or a Treo (typing is much easier). I am not that email intensive away from my desk.

I think your Mac and PC requirement may be your biggest issue, and would focus on comparing the solutions there first. Unfortunately, I can't offer any advice ... I only use a PC.

I too am a long time Palm user, who converted to a Centro 6 months ago. I was leery of the small screen & keyboard, but I have been surprised and very pleased with the Centro. If you expect to do a lot of intensive typing you may want to look at a larger keyboard device, but I'm much faster typing with my thumbnails than I ever thought I would be. And you can't beat the pocket-ability of the Centro.
I swear by my Backberry. Here's a tip: always go down to the store to check out the various QWERTY keyboards on the different models. I find that the old 8707 suits me best. Some people like the Curve. Others the 8830.
alizaki;62756 said:
I swear by my Backberry. Here's a tip: always go down to the store to check out the various QWERTY keyboards on the different models. I find that the old 8707 suits me best. Some people like the Curve. Others the 8830.

I will second a Blackberry. I've had 2 over the last 2 years, moving from a (non-smartphone) Palm T|E to first an 87xx, then to the 8830. The keyboard was a huge boost for me, finally being able to ditch Graffiti was actually a blessing.

I have also found that Next Action!, a program that helps manage contexts, etc., is a very good solution for managing GTD on a BB. It provides enough enhancement to the built-in task list that it is quite useful.