Calling all Chicago-area GTD fans

  • Thread starter Thread starter zooropa
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Please spread this message to those you feel would appreciate it.
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Does any of this mean something to you?

- Next Action

- @ACTION list

- Waiting For list

- Someday/Maybe

If the answer is "yes" and you live in the Chicago area, then this message is for you. I'm interested in organizing a get-together with other fans of David Allen's "Getting Things Done" (GTD) methodology. We can share tips, tricks, successes, horror stories and anythig else that strikes our fancy!

Please send a message to "merubin [AT] comcast DOT net" and let me know if you'd be interested. There is no firm date yet. At the moment, I'm just trying to gauge interest. Please feel free to forward to other friends and colleagues you feel might appreciate this.

Before hitting send:

* Please put GTD somewhere in the subject line.

* Please mention the best day/night that works best for you.

* Please mention where in the Chicago area you would like this to be held.

Thanks again! I'm looking forward to hearing from you!


GTD name: Zooropa
E-mail: merubin [AT] comcast [DOT] net