For my home office, I figured that I was serious about filing paper. I wanted to avoid those little 2-drawer, ~15-inch deep models that you can buy in any discount store for $20.
About 20 years ago, I went to an office supply store and spent several hundred dollars on a new Steelcase, 5-drawer, letter-size, 28.5-inch deep file cabinet with metal glides and bearings that support the drawers. By the time I was done with 5 metal frames for hanging folders (sorry, Dave), the hanging folders themselves, a bunch of manila file folders, and sales tax, I had spent about $500 in 1991.
I still have the file cabinet. I have been completely satisfied with this purchase, and I expect that it is durable enough to last more than my lifetime. When I run out of room (soon!), I will either have to do a better job of purging old stuff or find more room in the house for another Steelcase file cabinet.
No, I don't work for Steelcase. I'm just a satisfied customer.