Can't access Forums mentioned at bottom of email dated 12/23

At the bottom of my email from "GTD Connect Team", dated 12/23, are links to
"What Members are Talking About in the Forums".

When I click on any of those links, and I've tried all nine of them!,
I get an "Oops! We ran into some problems!
You do not have permission to view this page" error message.

But yet I can log in and view forums generally, just fine.

I've tried logging out and logging back in again, but to no avail.

Anybody got some other suggestions?

Some of the links that I'm referring to [in my email], in no particular order, are as follows:

1. It's Puzzle Season!
2. GTD and the future of journaling
3. Timing and weekly review
4. Superlist beta

Thanks for any help or suggestions!
At the bottom of my email from "GTD Connect Team", dated 12/23, are links to
"What Members are Talking About in the Forums".

When I click on any of those links, and I've tried all nine of them!,
I get an "Oops! We ran into some problems!
You do not have permission to view this page" error message.

But yet I can log in and view forums generally, just fine.

I've tried logging out and logging back in again, but to no avail.

Anybody got some other suggestions?

Some of the links that I'm referring to [in my email], in no particular order, are as follows:

1. It's Puzzle Season!
2. GTD and the future of journaling
3. Timing and weekly review
4. Superlist beta

Thanks for any help or suggestions!
Hi Charles,

I am so sorry we missed this when you first posted it. Please try refreshing the forum view, and I think now you will have access to all of the content. If you still have any issues, you can email
