musicisbliss said:
Some examples I have could be just waiting for someone to complete something, a certain date, or it could be a task that requires nice weather out to perform.
To me those are 3 separate things.
Waiting for something to be returned to you or to finish by someone else is a clear obvious waiting for. Those stay on the list no worries.I read all my lists except the someday/maybe lists quickly at least once a day so those ar easy to catch and see if it's time to ping them again for the item or task to be completed. Once it is your next action may be figure out wha to do with that thing or now and that goes on your appropriate context list.
Something that cannot start until a certain date but then needs to be done as soon after that as I can get to it within the limits of time/priority etc. Is set in my system to not even show up in the correct context where I will perform that action until the start date.
Related is something that is due by a certain date. I very rarely put in a due date but will on occasion. I will often put in a due date in my system that is actually at least one weekly review ahead of the real due date so I am sure to see the item in plenty of time to deal with any last minute things that may not be done yet.
Something that is a fixed apt. for a specific day, like a concert or something, goes on my calendar. If I have say, tickets, they go in my tickler file for the day before the concert so I can put them into my purse. If the specific day/time item is something I am considering doing, say attend a free concert in the park, I enter the item in my calendar as ?Honey Don't Concert at Town Park? The question marks indicate to me that it is an optional time dependent thing. On that day I can decide whether to plan to go or not at my own whim.
The weather one is very interesting, a very large number of my tasks are weather dependent. I've tried contexts for different weather types but that has never really worked for me. What happens with weather contexts is that I end up only doing the weather things even though I am in the location for another context, I will often switch locations or tools to accommodate the weather and that seems to spread me out and be extremely frustrating. So my tactic for all weather dependent tasks is that they are in the context where I would do them. For mine I know the weather constraints of the items just by looking at them so I can look at the weather and decide whether to do that one that day or not. For example, marking the orchard for irrigation requires that the ground be dry and it not be raining or snowing. We're within the calendar timeframe that we could do that so it's on my actions list right now in the outside with help context. However, our ground is still too wet and muddy and doing it now would result in compacted soils and poor grass growth so when I am outside with help and take a look at my list of actions I see that one is not really able to be done now.
Separating context even finer, outside with help and dry weather resulted in too much definition, grouping byt weather was also difficult so I use add that to my internal list of things to review as I make the decision on what to do next when I view my actions list along with time, energy and priority.