Case for the Motorola Q

Those of you who have the Motorola Q with the extended battery (e.g. Q 9c from Sprint), what are you using for a case?

I'm happy with the phone, but all of the cases for the Q are designed for the traditional battery, not the extended battery. (The extended battery adds a little bulk to the back of the phone, not enough to be noticeable in your pocket, but enough to cause havoc with cases.)

I don't want to scratch up the phone, particularly the screen. Therefore, I would like some type of a case. At the same time, I don't want to have to pull it out of a case every time I want to use it or have a case that won't fit in a pants' pocket.

Does anybody have suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
Case for the Q

When I picked up my Q I picked up a leather case for it. The type with a full plastic window on it. It has a quick release belt clip.

The plastic window covered the screen and keyboard, and fit perfectly fine with the bigger battery.
The only problem was hitting the keys correctly through the plastic window. My fat thunmbs didn't really work that well.

I solved the problem by simply perforing a little surgery on the window. I cut the bottom half away, so only the screen remained covered.

It worked for a while, but I got tired of the bulky thing hanging off my belt, so I've given up on cases altogether. I keep my Q in my non-key-and-change pocket. The screen seems to be surviving.

Case for Motorola Q

I've had my Q for nearly two years. I've got the supersized battery, too.

I've tried several different cases (both soft and hard), plus one of those planners that has a pouch for a phone. Finally, I decided to have my Q go naked. It has gotten a little banged up on the corners, but the screen has not received one scratch.

Good luck!
Thin screen protectors are nice for keeping a naked phone's screen scratch free. Additionally, some really like these which are full phone protective layers (i.e. case without a case). The only thing it doesn't really protect from is the crash/bash. I also go without the added bulk of a case and opt for the non-keys pocket.

ChrisF;56970 said:
Thin screen protectors are nice for keeping a naked phone's screen scratch free. Additionally, some really like these which are full phone protective layers (i.e. case without a case). The only thing it doesn't really protect from is the crash/bash. I also go without the added bulk of a case and opt for the non-keys pocket.


Funny you should bring InvisibleShield up. I emailed them earlier tonight about their product. Any ideas as to whether it covers the extended battery?

Even if it doesn't, I'm going to at least go for the screen cover, since that is the part I'm most worried about.

I would like to have something to protect the phone against an accidental drop, but the case options just aren't there.
I forgot about your extended battery. My bet would be that it does not or there would be a specific variant.

The screen protector should be good for you though. The only complaint I've heard is that some people with touch screen devices (pocket pc) don't always like the feel when using the device compared to other screen protectors. That shouldn't be a problem with the Q since it's button driven anyway.