Checking off Next Actions

You completed a Next Action and checked it off. Do you add a new Next Action on the fly (or at least the same day) or you wait for a Weekly Review or when this context list is empty? I think the first approach is more efficient but the second allows to move all the projects simultaneously. What's working best and what is original DA recommendation?


It really is up to you how you want to add NA to your lists. In my life, it really depends on the projects. Most of my work projects are added as soon as I complete one. Most of my personal projects are done at the next Weekly Review.

I think that it is VERY important to re-read the book again every so often. That way you can cement a lot of the concepts that DA talks about. Every single person does thing differently when it comes to their own GTD. You NEED to find what works for you, not anyone else, and stick to it.

There is no perfect system. You don't have to do it the way that DA does it. I doubt anyone here does it exactly like DA does it. GTD is a FRAMEWORK that you need to customize to your own life.

If it works for you, then it WORKS!

What Michael said.

Sometimes I'm working on a project, and as soon as I finish one action I figure out the next and do that.

Sometimes I'm working in a particular context, and as soon as I finish one phone call I move down the list and make another call on a completely different topic.

Whatever works.

The system reminds me...

Hi there,

For those familiar with Life Balance, I have been running my GTD system through LB using a generic "project template" which has floated around before.

It is something along these lines:

!Project : Successful outcome (context : anywhere)
---@Project Name (context: Projects - Active)
---?Project name needs next action defined (context: anywhere)
-------Next action #1
-------Next action #2

If you understand the logic of LB, you will know that as soon as all NA's of a given project are complete, I'll see the : "?Project name needs next action defined" show up in all my contexts, and it effectively becomes its own next action which says : "the next action in this projects is to define the next action".

This allows me to handle things on the fly, when I have time, or let it go when I don't, without the fear that it will be overlooked until next weekly review. It also shortens the time required to complete the Weekly Review.
