Circa Notebook question

I am investigating trying out the Circa Notebooks for my GTD implementation and wondered how many pages the different sizes typically hold.

Any feedback is appreciated.


It actually depends on the paper you use and the dividers you use. Circa paper is thicker than ordinary 18- or 20-pound paper. In my 3/4-inch letter-sized notebook, I have 5 plastic tabbed dividers and about 60-70 pages of paper, half of it heavier weight Circa stuff, half of it standard weight. It comes with 60 pages of heavy-weight paper, but I remember that adding dividers to what it came with made it more difficult to flip pages.
As the previous poster mentioned, it depends.

The good news is that while the Circa system overall can be a bit pricy, it is cheap and easy to change out the rings on a given notebook. Start with 1/2 inch rings or 3/4 inch rings, and then move up to bigger ones if needed. I have found that if the notebook is too full and then folded back on itself, some of the paper has a tendency to pop out of the rings.