Contexts, NAs and Project Lists in Outlook 2007

This seems so basic, but I am confused about using Outlook 2007 for GTD - primarily because I don't understand how to distinguish between Next Action (NA) lists and Project lists. I DO understand the difference between a project and a NA.

I downloaded and read the whitepaper on GTD and Outlook 2007. I set up my contexts (using Outlook's categories) and I understand that I will be adding NAs and assigning them categories/contexts so that can view my NAs by context.

What I don't understand is where to list all my projects. The whitepaper suggested making a category/context titled ".Projects". Does that mean that my category/context for Projects would consist of individual "tasks," (according to Outlook's nomenclature) with each Outlook task being a separate project?

And my other category/contexts would consist of the actual Next Actions for each context?

I think I'm confused about whether or not I'm going to use Outlook's Categories to identify both contexts and projects.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide and please, be gentle with me.

Hi Diane,

I agree, it can take a bit to understand all this, since in these Guides we're asking you to use Outlook a bit differently than it was designed. In essence, you are using the Tasks function to store both Next Action and Project lists.

The dot before Projects is just a sorting technique. The Projects list is basically an index or list of your projects. Any next actions related to those would be on the Next Action lists, in the same view. Next Actions list are sorted by context, not project, and would likely have a mix of actions from many projects and some that are not related to projects.

Any "future" actions or project plans you want to track can be parked in the note field for the Project in the Project list.

Does that help?

Projects List vs NA Lists


Thanks for your reply. It's becoming clearer now.

In essence, you are using the Tasks function to store both Next Action and Project lists.
Maybe the white paper contains that statement, and I just overlooked it, but I understand it stated that way.

Any "future" actions or project plans you want to track can be parked in the note field for the Project in the Project list.

Very helpful - So the "Task Subject" is the project name & in the note field I can describe the project more fully or list some of the actions that I know will be needed eventually to fulfill the project, but that are not yet the Next Actions needed.

Thank you, thank you!
