Contexts Question- What are your Contexts?

I have been thinking about changing my contexts to better fit me, but have come up at a loss for some items. I would like to ask the group what Contexts do you use?

My hope is that by seeing how others use contexts it will spark my thoughts on how better to set my own contexts up. I use a Palm t3 synching with Outlook so I am limited in the number of contexts. I had thought about either all or some of my contexts matching between Appoinments and Tasks but am not sure on this at this time. Thanks for any help on this issue.
In LifeBalance, I have:

@ Calls
@ Computer
@ Errands
@ Home
@ Online
@ School
@ Work
~ Goals
~ Projects
~ Someday/Maybe

The "@ Calls" is set up to also show up under both the "@ Errands" for when I'm out with my cellphone and the "@ Computer" context (because I use Skype as my main telephone). The "@ Home" includes the "@ Computer" context, and the "@ Computer" context includes "@ Online"

I use "~ Goals" as the place for the top level of my action hierarchy. The branches off of these top levels are my Project titles. I do this as a way of categorizing which areas of my life each project will contribute towards. Each project location is is set to "~ Projects" and each title is written as if it is complete, because it will only show up in the To-Do list when it is complete (though it will always be viewable in the Outline tab).

Then, the branches off of the Project titles contain the actual actions, and their location is set to actual (@) contexts that most other programs will accept. It might sound more complex than it truly is. In practice, it's very simple after the minor learning curve of the program has been passed.