David Allen's latest In Conversation with Deb Smith-Hemphill


Kelly | GTD expert
David just released his latest In Conversation with Deb Smith-Hemphill. Enjoy!


Dr. Deb Smith-Hemphill, a long time practitioner and advocate of the GTD methodology, owns and manages her own successful management consulting business in California. In this witty and upbeat conversation, she shares her professional path, her intersections with David and GTD, and lots of detail about her own streamlined system to get things done from an executive level.

Attached files


Kelly | GTD expert
We've had some reports of the latest In Conversation with Deb either not playing or giving an error message that it the CD is blank.

Can you email our team at connect@davidco.com if you've discovered this please? (assuming you're getting the CDs by mail). Please let us know where you tried to play it (on a Mac, PC, in your car, etc.)

We are trying to assess how widespread this problem is and narrow down the problem.

It could be that we will need to have them all reproduced again and mail out a whole new batch.

Sorry for any inconvenience!


Kelly | GTD expert
We are working on sending out replacements

Hello All,

We have narrowed down the problem with the latest In Conversation CDs to a duplication error and will be sending out replacements in the next few weeks.

No need to report the errors to us anymore. Thanks to all who did. We now know it's an across the board error that affected all of the CDs.

So sorry for the inconvenience.
