David Allen's latest In Conversation


Missing "In Conversation"

Nothing like realizing months after the fact that you, Kelly, were the "star" of In Conversation! How I miss getting those random cds in the mail...like a little surprise present...

David Parker

GTD Connect

kelstarrising;105886 said:
I made two new additions recently to my Evernote system.

1. I created a "Completed" Notebook for all completed Next Actions and Projects that I want to keep.

2. I created a "Due Soon" tag to tag Next Actions that are due within the next 3 weeks or so.

I like the idea of the Completed Notebook - great for the Annual Review! I have a Notebook Stack called Vault where I put stuff for long term storage in Evernote. This sorts nicely under the other stacks for Next Actions, Projects and Reference.

So at the moment I have:

Inbox (Notebook)
Next Actions (Stack with Notebook for each Context)
Projects (Stack with Notebook for each type of Projcet - Business, Home, Personal, Someday/Mayne)
Reference (Stack with Notebook for each Subject - currently 15 of these)
Vault (new Stack with Completed Notebook and currently moving some of the long term Reference into here)

I got rid of all Tags and use the Search criteria instead but will consider your Due Soon idea.

Evernote bought out Egretlist a while ago (it was a great task application that worked with Evernote) so I'm hoping they may come out with a task facility for Evernote in due course.
